Forum Discussion
Issue with speed building up screen
I was wondering if anyone could please advice or let me know if they are experiencing the same issue as me and my colleagues at work.
I creates eLearning on articulate Story 360 and recreate screens of systems to demonstrate a functionality for example. I have a work laptop with 64gb memory, my articulate Storyline 360 files are from 10 to 50 KB on average. When creating those screens or updating screens that I have already created, the system is extra slow and sometime doesn't even respond. when typing text for example, it will take a few seconds before it appears in the text box etc....
- Have any of you experienced the same issues?
- Is this related to articulate software?
- Is this related to my internet speed? even though the software is downloaded onto my laptop?
- Is this related to my laptop?
Any help, recommendation or suggestion on this would be great!! Thank you so much in advance
Hello Bene!
Many factors could come into play if you're experiencing slowness when using Storyline 360! I've noticed latency issues when saving projects on a network drive, so you'll want to ensure that you're always s saving and publishing Storyline projects on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive).
You might also want to do a simple repair of Storyline 360!
If you're still seeing the slowness after saving locally and trying a repair, then we'll want our Support Engineers to step in. You can reach their team directly by submitting a support case.
- BeneDespoirreKeCommunity Member
Thank you so much Lauren. I will try this if not as recommended I will create a support case.