Forum Discussion

HeatherSternitz's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Layering Issues

Hi Everyone, 

I am hoping someone can help. I am having issues with the attached storyline file. The issue is on the "Mineral 1" slide. I want the user to be able to drag the object (the mineral), have it open a new layer (which seems to work) and then when they "scratch" the mineral with the new object (i.e. drag object x over object y) it should show a third layer that shows the result. This seems to work, but when I do it too many times in a row, it stops working. I get to the scratch screen and it doesn't populate the third layer. There is no specific object(s) that it affects, it changes. It seems more linked to how many times I drag the main object after I go to a different slide and back. For example, if I drag to the penny, the jar, and then the hand, it stops working at hand. If I then go to a different slide, like Notes, and back, it seems to reset and if I try the hand next, it works magically. It seems to then only let me do 1 move before it stops working again and I have to make sure I go to Notes to reset again. Not sure if it's a bug or if I am missing some really obvious thing here. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

  • Hello Heather, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

    I appreciate you reaching out and sharing what you are experiencing along with a sample .story file.

    We do have an open issue specific to multiple drag-over triggers when using multiple layers, so this certainly fits the criteria.

    I adjusted the triggers to drop on vs. drag over and the interaction seems to be working as expected. I hope that this fits your need in the meantime and I've attached this conversation to our report.

    I wanted to share some information on how we define bugs and how we tackle them when they occur.