Forum Discussion

ThomasUmphres's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

Lines Go "Crooked" When Moved by Keyboard Arrows

I've had a bug that's been happening for me for quite a while and I was wondering if anyone else has seen this and if there is a fix.

I will have lines on the slide. When I move them around with the keyboard arrows, the second I do this they go from straight to crooked. Looks to be at about an angle of 12-13 degrees. It's very strange behavior that costs a lot of time to fix. I've attached a snapshot of what I'm talking about. I've already straightened some of the lines back out. 

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    Thomas, this bug has been around for quite some time. One of the more recent forum threads: 

    Back in August, I prepared this video illustrating the problem for Articulate Support to review: 

    As noted in the video, a workaround is to click the line (rather than select it via the timeline or by clicking and dragging around it) before moving it. That's an easy fix when you have one or two lines to move but very time consuming if you a whole bunch of ungrouped lines to move.

    My support contact was able to replicate the problem in a sample file I provided but I'm not aware of a permanent fix yet.

    • RonPrice's avatar

      Interesting video -  I have never been able to replicate this as an issue. Crazy stuff.  I would be curious to know why and how that behavior is generated.

  • Are you by chance, holding down the shift key while selecting the arrow keys?

    Holding down shift when drawing a line helps keep it straight.  But holding shift when using the arrow keys will move the end of the line at an angle.

  • Steve,

    Thanks for your response. Hopefully a permanent fix will be made in a software update soon. 



  • I will add too that even if i try to undo it (Ctrl + Z) it won't go back to straight. It's very frustrating.

  • Have the same problem and it is intermittent. My workaround is make it a group. Never happens when you group the lines.  Here is a sample video. Not I had to hide sensitive info so just watch the lines.