Forum Discussion
Link to an element on the same page (Rise)
Back in the good old days, when we created plain html, we could link to an element on the same page, thus we could create an index of the topics on top of the page.
This is especially usefull when content is used as a reference guide.
In Rise however this is not possible, we can only create text links to an external url.
Does anybody knows a workaround to create such an anchor element in Rise?
- AlastairHigginbCommunity Member
looks like this feature would be popular - i would love it
- RossWhiteCommunity Member
Up vote for me as well!
Hi Ross!
Thanks for sharing that you'd like a feature similar to hyperlink anchors in Rise 360. It's not currently on our feature roadmap, but I'll be sure to update this discussion if our team decides to reroute. I've added your vote to the request!
- MartinVasickaCommunity Member
Hello, I also very, very much need the option to create anchors and use anchor links to specific sections in a course/microlearning.
Hello Publishing & Media CZ,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I've added your voice to this request. We'll be sure to update this thread with any news and updates in the future!
- RachaelMcNamaraCommunity Member
I agree with all the above
Hi Rachael!
Thanks for reaching out! I’ll go ahead and include your voice. We’ll update this discussion if this feature makes it on our feature roadmap.
- MakiWiering-eafCommunity Member
Adding another vote for page anchors so we can link to places on the same Rise page.
- JasonHarwellCommunity Member
- StphaneWyonCommunity Member
+1 for anchor link and block with ID without diving into html code.
- KerimeVillal451Community Member
Is this now working or still no?
- SueWright-d9746Community Member
Add my vote to this feature request.
- PaulTottle-112cCommunity Member
I have a project needing this, this week. Seems like such an easy request but I can't deliver on it. A unique ID for each block would do it. There is a class identifier for each block but we can't refer to it with an html link...
<div class="block block--mounted" data-block-id="clvk59w3e01ii35788lw4017y">