Forum Discussion

PeterSnow's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Monitor progress through Articulate Rise blocks within a course


My question is two fold: 1) viewing progress through a long Rise course, and 2) viewing quiz results and attempts.  Clarification continue....

Cornerstone is my current LMS.  Many of my curricula consist of blocks of videos with short knowledge assessments after each video.  The sum total of videos/quizzes in a single Cornerstone curriculum can be up to 40 blocks.  In Cornerstone, I can access the curricula and see the progress (quesiton 1) through the course and review each quiz (and attempts) to see what was answered correctly (question 2).  Then I created a similar course in Articulate and exported a SCORM files to Cornerstone.  I've not been able to see progress or view quiz results/attempts.

Any insight would be very helpful.
