Forum Discussion
My Rise Wish List
The following is my wish list for Rise! Having used it extensively over the past few months, I still love many of the features, flow, appearance...but I am also frustrated with Rise and Articulate. The following wish list items were developed as I was working on a project and include both fixes and new features, but are NOT in priority order (no time!). Note: Some of the items listed below may have been addressed since I started keeping my running wish list - I removed/modified some but may have missed a few.
Since we cannot see what is actually on Articulate's project plan list and timeline and only get occasional "clues" in staff posts about when we might see changes, user priorities do not seem to match up. As a former programmer, I do understand some requests are simple and some are very difficult, but some of the basic limitations (i.e., lack of real formatted bullets and ability to move blocks and groups of blocks between lessons and courses) are so severe and WASTE SO MUCH TIME it is often difficult to justify using Rise. Many of the fixes listed below are simple (and honestly should have been caught in QA before Rise was first released). With a hosted environment, simple fixes should be developed, tested, and deployed quickly.
I strongly encourage Articulate to publish a list of planned fixes and timelines and create a better system to allow users to provide feedback on USER priorities. Until that happens, I would encourage users who agree with my suggestions to post their support/+1 for the items below! I recommend using letter/number (e.g., A. 5) format to reference each specific item below. Or propose other additions/fixes in this discussion or directly to Articulate (don't be shy!).
- ADD: Ability to set alternate author and photo (as most course content created by a subject matter expert and implemented by the Rise user).
- ADD: Hide author: setting to turn off by default on all new lessons added (best if set at the user level, not course level, but that would be a start).
- ADD: Allow adding multiple "authors" so SMEs can be displayed as the author of the course. I previously submitted a mockup for this capability.
- ADD: Allow setting user's default background and text color, size, top/bottom padding, line spacing etc. for each text type (heading, subheading, etc.) - will save a lot of time changing from the Articulate defaults!
USE CASE: Our color standard for Headings is #2d4688 - text will always be ffffff - we have to manually change the text colors EVERY TIME WE USE A HEADING BLOCK! - ADD: Ability to save a named default course settings (named settings could be shared with a team so they can use/duplicate ) - each newly created course would have the applied user default settings, but still allow user to change) - example: set logo, cover photo, block top/bottom margins.
USE CASE: 5 clients each with different settings - load/apply saved/named course settings to be the default while working on the client’s project. - ADD: Ability to revert user’s default Rise course settings to "factory settings" (i.e., remove custom settings).
- ADD: Ability to set a header that appears on all pages in a course.
- ADD: Ability to set a footer (with formatting) that appears on all pages in course (e.g., copyright statement, notification, company name, etc.).
Perhaps allow creation of a block/group of blocks or even a "lesson" that will be designated as header/footer to appear on every page (obviously space could be a problem, but let the user decide how THEY want to use this feature rather than limit them!).
- ADD: Allow creation of sub-folders
- FIX: Allow setting a default folder/sub-folder so Rise does not default to "ALL" courses each time the user returns to Rise (this makes NO sense after placing courses in folders!). While it doesn't fix the issue, placing ALL "folder" at the end of the list would help...
- FIX: Save course view (tile or list view) sort settings until reset or cleared by the user.
- ADD: Documentation of courses including (a) export to Word or PDF, (b) export of all lesson course settings, (3) export transcript (for voice-over and closed captioning). Best to include everything and let user decide what they need or do not need.
- ADD: Ability to add, edit, delete tags/classifications for each course and each lesson (which can be used to search/filter/sort).
- ADD: Ability to search for a course (using course/lesson name, course/lesson content text and type e.g., type of block used, and tags/classifications/keywords).
- ADD: Show an estimated time to complete each course and each lesson (would appear in the Course Details page); ideally, have a total estimated time field that shows at bottom of Course Details that sums each lesson’s estimated time to complete).
- ADD: Ability to provide brief information about the lesson that displays or is revealed through an icon (tooltip).
- ADD: Option to display lessons as tiles rather than list (Details list text font is TOO SMALL); the tile could include image, & text - or an image with a URL path (e.g., create a set of tiles which display each available lesson - clicking on a tile, takes the user to the specified URL or lesson)
ADD: Ability to provide a brief description that learner can display/hide for the course and each lesson (also see Tooltip suggestion as a method to implement this).
My Course (or Lesson)
▼ My Course (or lesson)
This course (or lesson) discusses why you should...
EXAMPLE 2 (use tooltips):
* Provide a tooltip with course information when the user hovers over an icon (e.g., "i" "?" "︎" - see the Articulate 360 Teams Plan page - we need THAT tooltip in Rise! )
* Give access to all of the 26 existing icons that are already available (in pre-built lesson: or better yet, choose from bootstrap glyph icons or other icon library
- ADD: Ability to drag/drop blocks up and down (the current up/down arrows are way too slow/cumbersome) - already available in the lesson details and many items/elements within blocks.
- ADD: Ability to group/ungroup individual blocks into a new block type (user-defined/named) - need to be able to access user-defined blocks to insert wherever needed; grouped blocks could be moved together as a group rather than individual block components!
- ADD: Ability to move blocks and user-defined block groups between lessons and courses.
- ADD: Ability to name group blocks.
- ADD: Ability to duplicate group blocks.
- ADD: Ability to store and share predefined, named group blocks (with teams or other users)
USE CASE: freelancer sends block/block group to hiring company so they have for future use. - ADD: Allow edit of predefined group blocks and choose whether to apply to all existing block use or only new group blocks inserted in the future.
- ADD: Team - allow Group Block update across all projects using the named group block (show list of affected courses/lessons and let the user select with checkbox whether to update or not update - may need additional security to prevent updates of certain courses, e.g., through a course setting).
- ADD: Ability to add more than one image (e.g., to an accordion, flash card, text block, etc.)
- ADD: Ability to add additional content (e.g., flash cards) to other types of content (e.g., inside accordion - this would allow grouping and showing/hiding flash cards, images, etc.).
- ADD: Ability to hide a block (or better yet, ability to conditionally show the block if something happens such as completed previous lesson or answered a question in a certain way)
- ADD: If the user is on a block's Settings and the selects another block, keep the Content/Settings window open and show the Settings for the selected block (rather than jumping to Content on the newly selected block).
- ADD: Allow use of up/down arrows to move between blocks (keeping whichever was open - Content or Settings - displayed for the next block)
- ADD: Ability to hide a lesson (or better, ability to conditionally show if something happens such as completed previous lesson or answered a question in a certain way).
- ADD: Ability to change the font size and line spacing in the course lesson listing (currently font is too small with too much space between each lesson) - allow this to be set in Course Settings
- ADD: Ability to show lessons as tiles (new) or list (current) - each lesson would appear as a tile - a visual card with image/short description (much like the course can appear in My Courses).
- ADD: Add ability to resize/control line spacing (line spacing does not currently adjust when reducing font size)
- FIX: Bullets/numbering are not subject to color formatting (e.g., if I want the text to be yellow, I want the bullets to be yellow - or I want to be able to control the color for these)
- FIX: Bullets/numbering are not subject to size formatting (e.g, increase font size, bullets/numbering stays small)
- FIX: Formatted bullets do not align properly (they are not true bullets with hanging indent - appears to be a CSS issue)
- ADD: Need "HTML Reveal Code" option - formatting gets set and it is hard to correct (especially bullets/number); add an HTML button to the editor!
- ADD: Ability to adjust size and color of bullets/icons (current formatting of "bullets" does not set the color - e.g., color text yellow, bullet remains black); this is especially problematic over images.
- ADD: Ability to add shadowing to create better contrast.
- FIX: Add button to paste formatted text, e.g., retain Word formatting.
USE CASE: Table in Word and want the table to be pasted into a text block). - ADD: Ability for user select the bullet icon (e.g., use the 26 icons currently available in labeled graphic, or preferably larger number from glyph/bootstrap icons, let the user define an icon graphic).
- ADD: Ability to add tooltips to text or embedded icon.
- ADD: Ability to have text, hyperlinks, and images in a tooltip - applied to text or an icon (see: ).
- ADD: Ability to have two column lists ( but still responsive ).
- ADD: Adjust the vertical and horizontal spacing between bullets (10 - XX pts)
- ADD: Ability to pick from wider array of icon options (e.g., glyphs, etc.)
- ADD: Ability to resize bullet icons (whether text format-based or bulleted list)
- ADD: Ability to set two colors to create a banded grid (e.g., Background color hex: #ffffff; Background Banded hex: #ececec); we have done this manually but it would be better if we could set the option and if we add a button later it would automatically adjust the background banded colors.
- ADD: Ability to insert a new list item at a specific location in the existing list (rather than only [ADD ITEM] button at bottom and then having to drag up); Add + icon between each existing list items (like when adding a new block) so we can add a new item at a specific location (and then Rise should auto-renumber if a numbered list)
- ADD: Ability to create a responsive 2-column bulleted/checkbox list (similar to 2-column Text block).
- FIX: Bullets are too small and too far from text
- ADD: Ability to pick from wider array of icons (e.g., glyphs) Examples: ❖
- FIX: Auto-number no longer works properly if you add a bullet in the middle of existing list (now have to edit the numbers manually).
- ADD: Allow user to add Content text within the attachment block for (e.g., instructions, required software, etc.) - this is basically adding the ability to customize the attachment block
- ADD: Allow renaming the attachment file after upload
- FIX: You cannot actually edit the existing embedded iframe code - the "Change" link actually wipes out the existing embed/url code (so you cannot edit). However, if you hit the X to abandon the change before typing/pasting anything, the original embed/url code will appear so you can copy/edit/paste as needed. Not a great solution but it does work.
- FIX: Need the ability to search content images by filename (e.g., previously used an image in a lesson and wanted to add the same image to another lesson, currently, the user cannot search by the filename which is visible in the first lesson…the user has to try to find it using the same previous search term, if the remember what I used to find it)
- ADD: User and Team Content Libraries - ability to upload images to the user’s or team’s own content library so each time they want to use a standard graphic element, it is easy to find
- ADD: Ability to mark favorites from Rise Content Library
ADD: Ability to add images from Rise Content Library to User and Team Content Libraries
- ADD: Ability to edit prebuilt lessons (e.g., timeline, labeled graphic, etc.) to add user theme/formatting (and save their customized lesson).
- ADD: Allow the user to create, edit, delete, save, and share user-defined pre-built, customized ‘PRE-BUILT" lessons and blocks - add to a User and Team library of pre-built/pre-formatted lessons or blocks
- ADD: Ability for the user to add other block and elements to pre-built lessons
- FIX: Spacing at bottom of pre-built labeled graphic is too much and does not properly display on iOS devices (need to allow the user to adjust top/bottom padding - everything should be exposed, so the user can modify/tweak for their needs)
- FIX: Modify Process lesson - not clear navigation options (left/right versus bottom like other lessons; need options/directions on how this should work); give author option to display a skip completion so the learner can move on if they don’t want to complete the activity.
- ADD: For SORTING ACTIVITY - show the number of cards/percentage done so learners have an idea how many are left (like steps in process lesson) Example: 10 of 20 completed (50%)
- ADD: Grid system, snap to grid
- ADD: Ability to align multiple icons vertical/horizontal
USE CASE: Needed to line up two columns of icons - I added small dots in line on the image in Photoshop and placed the icon over each dot - but still could not align properly - cannot make bigger dots because they might appear as the image is resized for different devices.
- FIX: You cannot edit the embedded iframe code - you have one option - DELETE (there is no edit)
- ADD: Ability to specify size of the image (min/max) (e.g., User wants one image to be displayed at the size of a two-image grid not full screen or as wide a single
- ADD: Ability to set focal point (i.e., what photo should remain visible regardless of device type and screen size)
- ADD: Ability to embed an image in paragraph text
- ADD: Full-text formatting and control of text width, line spacing, etc. (see Text Font/Formatting suggestions)
- ADD: Option to add a second background color to make a banded grid e.g., Background color hex: #ffffff Background banded hex: #ececec (need to auto adjust for responsive display)
- ADD: Individual image settings to set size and zoom (e.g., want to let the learner enlarge one image but not the other in a Gallery: two column grid.)
- ADD: Ability to add gallery image item between existing images by selecting a + symbol (rather than having to add at the bottom and dragging it up the proper location in the list)
- ADD: Ability to set minimum/maximum number (or size) of images to display in a row (e.g., 2-card grid, 3-card grid, 4-card grid). This will help prevent them from appearing too small. Obviously, still needs to mobile responsive.
- ADD: Add ability to easily create an image grid by selecting images from a User or Team Content Library (e.g., checkboxes, multi-select, etc.)
- FIX: The process to delete an image is inconsistent compared to other blocks (there is no trashcan icon, the user must click on edit and then select "Delete" from the menu)
- ADD: Ability to change alignment image/media
- FIX: Ability to add caption to image/media
- ADD: Ability to add more than one image/media per accordion panel (OR BETTER YET - ADD an option to collapse/expand all blocks and the need for the accordion is lessened)
- ADD: Better bullet formatting within the accordion (see Text Fonts/Formatting suggestions)
- FIX: Tabs height needs to be fixed at the height of the largest tab - currently, if you have less/more text in one tab, the bottom jumps up and down as you move through each tab. Alternatively, give the course Author the option of fixed height or auto-sizing tabs (e.g., in Settings)
- ADD: Ability to import or paste flash card content in bulk (e.g, CSV, Excel) - text-only cards would be the first priority with image-based cards seconda. Example file format: CardNumber, CardFrontType, CardFrontText, CardBackType, CardBackText
(see for example of pasting text/columns) - ADD: Option to add a second background color to make a banded grid (e.g., Background color hex: #ffffff Background banded hex: #ecececn (need to auto adjust for responsive display)
- ADD: Ability to set maximum number of cards in a row (e.g., 2-card grid, 3-card grid, 4-card grid)
USE CASE: this would allow bigger cards to be shown with less need for scrolling (learners may not understand how to make scroll bar display - on some devices (e.g., iOS) the text at the bottom does not become fuzzy to indicate more - just abruptly stops) - ADD: An automatic "MORE…" on flash card if all text cannot all be displayed or show scroll bar as visual prompt that there is more text (rather than requiring user to move the text before scrollbar shows)
- ADD: Ability to add a new flash card at the current location (rather than adding at bottom and having to drag up to correct location) - e.g., show a + icon between each item (like Details or between blocks)
- ADD: Ability to set minimum or maximum size of flash card/flash card grid (similar to 2, 3, 4 image gallery)
- FIX: Problem with pasting fonts;
- ADD: Ability to align text top, middle, bottom (currently only middle available)
- ADD: HTML Editor within the Front/Back of each card - allow combination of image and text
- ADD: Ability to add a second background color to make a banded grid of buttons e.g., Background color hex: #ffffff Background banded hex: #ececec (needs to auto adjust for responsive display)
- ADD: Provide a user-created and maintained content library that provides access to all images and customized blocks/lessons in the User’s courses (so no need to find/upload every time) or the Team’s
- ADD: Ability to insert image from User or Team Image Library (i.e., part of the Edit menu that is displayed)
- ADD: Ability to replace an image and OPTIONALLY have all projects be updated (i.e., all point to the same stored file path, when updated, the course all display the new image - example: company logo" has changed
- ADD: Allow user to duplicate an uploaded image (so it doesn’t get updated as above)
- ADD: Ability to bulk upload images to User and Team Image library
- ADD: Allow creation of user/team content library with access to user-created content blocks, etc. in a course or an account (i.e., already created rather than recreating each time needed).
- FIX: The "Show Metadata is woefully inadequate. Need to be able to customize including add text, images, etc. to override the embedded content’s metadata; need to be able to customize colors, layout, etc. including adding other types of blocks (e.g., text paragraph, heading, etc.).
- ADD: Ability to actually embed and display content in a "content block" (e.g., PDF, doc/docx, ppt, xls, xlsx, text) - see competitor's example:
- ADD: Ability to provide closed captions to video/audio content.
- ADD: Keyboard navigation and other accessibility capabilities
Wow Donald! Thanks for taking the time to provide all of this detailed feedback.
We take customer feedback seriously and I'm going to make sure our team really digs into your comments.
Thanks again - we are very grateful.
- DonnaCobbs-e2e6Community Member
Great list...thank you!!! I would also like to add, I create demos on Storyline and Publish to Review 360 to upload to Rise. I have done several courses using the same format, the same cover and the course I am working on now the cover does not show up until you click an arrow. I want to see my cover sheet, not a blank black screen with an arrow.
Thank you
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Donna,
There is a solution for your blank screen issue.
- ChetHertzCommunity Member
Thanks Don for all the thought and detail. All good food for thought and prioritization – but in the shorter term I’d settle for the following big rocks (in rough priority order):
- Global search capability.
- Copy blocks/lessons from one course into another course.
- Ability to mix and match within a single lesson the built-ins and the blocks.
- Rise-native mechanism to author tables and also to be able to bring them in from common office formats.
- Ability to subsection-ize material such that the Rise TOC/left-nav-pane can display more levels of direct navigation.
That said, the suggestion of community +1’s on specific number items is also a good idea.
- KellyChestonGotCommunity Member
YES!!! Copying blocks from one lesson to the other would be very helpful when you want to reorganize the flow of a course to be more intuitive or based on feedback. Instead I have to recreate it each time I want to move it.
- ChetHertzCommunity Member
Also, could get a LOT of bang out of a few improvements to configuring links:
- Ability to specify destination in which to launch the link (i.e some approximation of the HTML Target Attribute).
- Ability to configure hyperlinking from text in Rise as flexibly and fully-functional as hyperlinking from a Rise button (i.e. supporting internal bookmark link definitions).
Love the tool already -- just looking to love it even more.
- ChetHertzCommunity Member
In addition, end-users would greatly benefit from the following kinds of enhancements to the left-nav-pane functionality:
- Expand /collapse header sections to reveal/conceal their respective lesson contents.
- Make left-nav-pane scroll location (and above expand/collapse functionality) dynamically reflect what's being displayed in the center content pane.
Thanks thanks thanks if you could give some thought to this and what it would behave like. My users ask, "Where is this content reflected in the nav?" -- and I show them that they have to scroll and find it themselves.
We'll get there! Good stuff and more/better all the time.
- MichaelFeketeCommunity Member
I would like to add another "wish list" feature:
I use the interactive "accordion" block to create a glossary list for Rise courses. I need the items to be alphabetized, but if I don't know all the terms beforehand, it is a pain to add new items later. (You can only append new items to the end of an accordion block, so to add a new item, you must edit and rebuild the entire list. This is especially painful when adding an item at the beginning of a glossary list [for example, a term beginning with the letter "a"].)
The ability to add an item anywhere in an accordion block would be a great help.
Michael Fekete
AAMVA Senior Technical Writer- DanaElliottCommunity Member
Hey Michael, you CAN 'drag and drop' your accordion blocks by clicking the edit content (pencil) and then when you hover over your item, the hamburger menu dots appear on the far left and your mouse turns to a hand icon. click your mouse and you can drag the item up or down as needed.
- FrdrickBergeronCommunity Member
This is an amazing list of things to add/change to Rise to make our life much easier. I'm a little bit sad that this message is 3 years old and most of those have not been implemented yet... Any reasons why? A lot of those suggestions seems like they could have been easily fixed on a 3 year deadline...
Anyway, I just want to say that I second all items listed in that 3 years old list and hoping we can see some of those in the upcoming months.
- AmandaChan-7e89Community Member
Same sentiments exactly!
- ErikaShafferCommunity Member
Just finished building my first course in Rise, and I LOVE the software, which is very easy to use. My greatest frustration is in this list: "Need the ability to search content images by filename." For context, this course about crisis counseling has many points at which students stop and listen to audio of a phone conversation and then analyze it. I used an icon of a phone from the content library in the image layout of a photo to the right and text to the right explaining what they should listen for. It would have saved me a LOT of time if I could have searched the content library for the file name of the phone illustration I used. Within the same lesson, I could just copy the phone image and text, but I had to look it up for each lesson.
A related item that I would use repeatedly if I had it is an image layout of an icon next to a paragraph of text. I had to resort to the image layout of an image at 25% on the right with text on the left. It would be a lot less clunky if the image could be a small icon next to the text. I use this sort of layout a lot in my other e-learning helps for learners to see the same familiar icon and know what they're expected to do.
- KatieFrassinellCommunity Member
Fantastic list! My #1 priority (by far) is to be able to stop a user's progress until a knowledge check or quiz is answered correctly. After that, using your numbers (in no particular order): A1, A2, A3, B4, E1, E2, F1, M5, P1, P2, P3. Thanks!!
- DonnaMachado-35Community Member
I love Rise too and am currently working feverishly converting our existing face to face training to Rise courses. I would love to see some of Don's wish list features implemented and have loved all of the little additions like the Continue divider and the Storyline embed, so thanks Rise team.
One which I don't think was in Don's list was in the Pre-Built lesson for a Quiz. I would love the ability to duplicate a question. Sometimes you want to ask the same question in a slightly different way or use the same variables in a multi-response question, so duplicating and modifying an existing question would be easier than re-writing the question. A small annoyance though in an otherwise wonderful product.
- MartinEvans-d2aCommunity Member
Awesome list. My biggest priority, which I've been requesting for months is (as mentioned by Chris Hertz, above)...
- Ability to mix and match within a single lesson the built-ins and the blocks.
Additionally, I would like the ability to use a "mailto" link that actually works without using a 3rd party shortened URL.
And most importantly, I would like to be able to extract quiz data/results from embedded Storyline files within blocks.
- KarinRexCommunity Member
I can show an example of what Catherynne means. It has been annoying me forever as well. In this video, I am editing a course that has quite a few lessons. I scroll down on the table of contents page and open Domain 4, Section 3 to edit it. When I click the < button to return to the table of contents, the focus is positioned at the very top of the page instead of where I had just been working. It wastes a lot of time.
Hi Karin,
It looks like you deleted that item in Review 360, so I can't view it. Could you send me an updated link so I can have a look at it?
- AidanHoyal-582dCommunity Member
Wow! And yes, please!
In addition to many of these same requests, I would love to be able to add a text link to the content list - so that when the list of lessons becomes the menu/navigation on the left, there is always a link to "HELP" at the top of the menu.
- BillDaneCommunity Member
I second his list! It's telling that his list is 3 years old and there are still so many things that aren't done. Just saying.