Forum Discussion

LizaMoorman-9b6's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Need to make slide with 3 correct answers, each with different feeback


I have a slide where there are 3 correct selections, but I have different feedback for each correct selection.  I tried using hotspots, graded questions- pick many, and freeform and nothing seems to work well. So, I copied the slide and used a hotspot for the first correct selection, gave the appropriate feedback for a correct response using the standard layer that comes with the hotspot and when the user clicks continue on the feedback layer, they advance to the next slide.  But, I am back to needing them to select 2 choices on the copied slide.  I can use 2 hotspots, and create layers which show feedback when each hotspot is selected.  But, I need to create something using shapes that looks like the typical "that's correct" feedback layer, right?  Because I can't have the standard correct and incorrect layers when there are 2 hotspots. Also, I want a circle to show over the correct selection when they click on the hotspot. I think the best way to do that is to add the circle to the base layer and use states to make it show once the hotspot is selected.  Finally, I guess I need to create an if/then trigger to advance to the next slide, once both have been selected. But, then I am not sure how to make the state visited if it only shows up when the hotspot selected???    It seems like a complicated workaround. Am I missing an easier way?

  • Hi Liza! Thanks for posting your question here! In case you haven't tried it, you can automatically create custom feedback for each choice by choosing the "By Choice" option in Form View. There's more information on how to do that here. Hope that helps!

    • LizaMoorman-9b6's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for this suggestion. I tried to do that before and couldn’t make it work. I just tried again. For this question, there 2 (potentially 3) correct places to click on the slide and I want to be able to have different feedback for each correct answer.

      I selected freeform then pick many and identified 2 correct answers. However, I do not see the option for feedback by choice. Only feedback by question. Is there a place where I can privately send you the slide so that I can show you? The product about which I am creating this instruction is proprietary.

      Thank you

      • SarahHodge's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hey Liza! Sorry it's not working! I just realized you're looking to include a pick many question and the feedback by choice option isn't available for that question type. In case you haven't seen it, Karlis Sprogis recently created this free download on office safety that uses hotspots and gives specific feedback for each correct answer. It sounded similar to what you're looking to do, so I thought I'd share. 

  • This post provides a different approach that might work for you: 

    Also, if you want to give feedback based on the user's answer, use variables to track what they selected. Then show different feedback text based on their answers by using triggers with conditions.

    The various feedbacks could be shown using different states for the default feedback text box. Or it could be done by giving all the feedback options an Initial state of Hidden, and then showing the appropriate one based on the variables. 

    The post below isn't about your exact situation. But it does provide some guidance about showing different feedback based on the value of a variable: