Forum Discussion

RockHymas's avatar
12 months ago

New in Storyline 360: Cloud Backup (Beta)

Keeping track of project files can be difficult, especially when building courses with other team members. If you've ever lost a project file, you know how devastating it can be. Rebuilding a course from scratch just to make a few edits is frustrating and time-consuming. If you've ever been in this situation, you'll love the new cloud backup feature. With cloud backup, you and your team can work with confidence, knowing your files are safe and easy to access anywhere, anytime.

So how does it work? When publishing Storyline content to Review 360, check the Upload project file to Review 360 box before you hit Publish. It's that easy!

When you and your team members open the Review 360 link, here's how to download the project file. Simply click the Version drop-down list and select the version you want to download. Then, click the ellipsis button (•••) and choose Download project file.

And no problem if the person who originally uploaded the project leaves your team. As long as they saved their project in a Review 360 team folder, the Storyline 360 cloud backup remains with your team. So no more lost project files when a colleague moves on to a new role. What a relief!

The cloud backup feature is also a great way to store project files for multiple versions of a course. Whenever you publish to Review 360 with the cloud backup box checked, the project file associated with that version is stored. If you decide to revert to a previous version of your course, you can simply go back and download the associated file.

Excited to check this out? If you're an Articulate 360 subscriber, you can start backing up project files to Review 360 right away. If you want to try this highly-requested feature but don't have Articulate 360, just start a free 30-day trial. For more details about cloud backup, check out this article: Storyline 360: Cloud Backup.

Let us know what you think about the cloud backup feature. Use the comments below to share your experience, or click the beta label to access the in-app beta feedback form. We'd love to hear from you!

  • After I upgraded to use this feature, the Comments panel (to display Review360 feedback) disappeared inside SL.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Maura, 

      Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag.

      Can I ask if you've tried redocking all of your panels to see if this helps? Additionally, can you confirm that the course is still present in your Review 360 dashboard? Review 360 comments only appear in Storyline 360 courses you've published to Review 360, so if the published course is no longer in your Review 360 dashboard, the comments section won't be available as well.

      If the course is still present in Review 360, please open a case with our support team here so we can take a closer look at what's happening.

      • vanessacasto572's avatar
        Community Member

        The course is still in my dashboard, but the storyline file isn’t published to the cloud.

  • Hello 
    So, it's certainly a start for this possibility of storing on the cloud. But in my case, it doesn't work. three tries checking the box and....nothing. No "..." available and I tested with a very small file. you can see the file image associated

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Francois, 

      Happy to help!

      Please be sure that you're signed in to your Review 360 account on your browser for the option to download the project file to appear. 

      If this doesn't work, try using a different browser or uploading a different project file to see if this helps. If you are still unable to see the 'Download project file' option, please open a case with our support team here so we can take a closer look at what's happening.

      • WilhelmBarna962's avatar
        Community Member

        I have the same problem as Francois. Have opened a support case #03908696

  • JamieKobs's avatar
    Community Member

    I don't see the ellipsis button. Should I assume that means the cloud backup box was not checked when publishing?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Jamie, 

      If you don't see an ellipsis button for a Storyline 360 course that was published to Review 360, it's most likely that the author didn't enable the Cloud Backup feature for the course.

  • HollyHook's avatar
    Community Member

    What is the difference between this feature and using the Team Slides Icon from the Menu Bar in Storyline?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Holly,

      Happy to help!

      This feature will allow other users to download a copy of the original Storyline 360 .story project file of the course so they'll be able to make changes to the actual project on their end. The Team Slides feature allows authors to share slides that they've worked on with other team members only. This doesn't protect a project file from possible data corruption and doesn't show other slides that weren't shared via Team Slides. Basically, the Cloud Backup feature allows authors to share an unpublished version of the project file as a way to safeguard the project.

  • DarrenNash's avatar
    Community Member

    if you work for a company and the content contains sensitive information ensure you get Articulate to agree to an NDA.....

  • It would be great if this cloud backup feature had a separate location for the files. For example, in Review 360 you could make a separate folder specifically for project files, not having them attached to any specific course review.

    The reason we think this is important is because we have found ourselves multiple times having the whole Review 360 environment overflowing with course reviews, which eventually slows down the loading of the whole Review 360 environment, with slower internet speeds seemingly not being able to load it at all. Given this, we like to delete course reviews that are no longer relevant, but this probably means that any attached project files to a review will be lost after deletion. We always keep our project files, but we do not want to keep thousands of course reviews in the Review 360 environment.