Forum Discussion

RandallSauchuck's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

On dual monitor set up Player window always appears cut of on "other" monitor

I have a dual monitor set up (laptop and external). Whenever I launch a .story file to work on, it appears on one monitor (the laptop).

That's fine.

However if I click the Player button in the ribbon the Player modal appears on the second monitor and positioned in such a way the the top and right portions are extending offscreen. There is no way to reposition this window.

The work around is to hit Esc to close the modal then move the articulate app to the second monitor before opening the player dialog again.

Can the dev team look into this issue?


  • Absolutely, Randall. 

    Could you share some additional information:

    • What is the display settings for each of your monitors?
    • What is the extended display set to on your laptop?

    I'd like to take a look and see if we can replicate what you're experiencing so that we can get this reported.

  • I set the display settings to Duplicate and this solved the problem.

    Can the Articulate Dev team please take a look at this issue.

    • RandallSauchuck's avatar
      Community Member

      I don't want my monitors to display the same contents, though. I use one monitor (usually the laptop) to show other documents, my email app. etc.  while I work on my course on the other.

      • SteveChavez-b9e's avatar
        Community Member

        I understand. I set the display to duplicate during my screen recording session and then set back to extend. This is a little cumbersome, hence my desire to have the dev team to address this issue.
