Forum Discussion

francoismarais's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Please, make our life easier....

is it possible to change the default settings or behaviors of ST360?
two examples quite painful for me and they are not the only cases
1) the timing box: I open it only when I want to modify the duration of an object, and each time, I have to uncheck the "display until the end" box. 

2) questions are always created with "random play = answer". but in 95/100% of cases, I don't want random reading and if I forget to indicate it when I create my questions, you have to correct all the questions by hand one by one because even if you select several slides , changing the option will only affect the first selected slide. it's weird

well, all this kind of little details are expensive when you do big EAO all day

  • Hi Francois,

    I'm sorry about your frustrations with Storyline! Sometimes small changes can make all the difference in the world. The best way to possibly see a change in those features is to submit a feature request. If they make it into our feature roadmap, this conversation will be updated.

    Thanks for reaching out!