Forum Discussion

BrunoD-234bfeda's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Problème cadre de rognage vidéo qui apparait

Bonjour la communauté,

J'ai un problème avec des vidéos que j'intègre à un projet. Je rogne des vidéos pré-existantes pour en extraire un personnage que j'intègre dans différents calques sur Storyline. Lors du passage d'un calque à l'autre une fois le projet publié, le cadre de rognage apparait quelques secondes au lancement de la vidéo. Je ne peux pas le masquer avec un rectangle de la même couleur que mon fond car cela crée des problèmes de raccord. Que faire ? 

Merci par avance pour votre aide !


  • Hi Amanda, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    This is the first time I've heard of this behavior, so there's a chance that this might be specific to your project file. I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your experience:

    • Are you able to replicate the behavior on a new project file using a different video?
    • Do you have the option of adding the video from file instead of embedding it? If yes, does this make a difference with the performance?
    • Are you working locally when previewing your project file? 

    Additionally, I'd like to test one of your project files to see if I'll be able to replicate the behavior on my end. Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!

  • Hi Joe,

    Thanks for your answer.

    To clarify some points, here are my answers:

    - If I use a different video, somehow I cannot replicate the behavior. 

    - I've already used the option "adding the video from file" so this doesn't make difference.

    - I'm working locally when previewing my project file. 

    Unfortunately, I'm not allow by my company to share my project files. I can just send you a screen shot from a small part of a slide in private (through support case). 

    To give you further information:

    My vidéos are captured by Obs Studio from an old Flash module. At that point, no issues. Then, after uploading in Storyline, a frame appears all around all my videos but oddly it disappears when those videos start. I'm having troubles only when I use several "calque" (I don't know the word in english, sorry) and a different video in each "calque". In that case, the frame appears few seconds before disappearing. 

    Thank you by advance for your help.


    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Amandine!

      Thanks for following up and sharing the feedback!

      I see that you've already opened a support case and my colleague Carlo has picked it up. You're in excellent hands working one on one with him and should hear from him shortly!

      We'll continue this conversation over in your support case.