Problem with Storyline Freeform DND Sub Sandwich Recipe Sequence
Hi guys,
I'm trying to create a Freeform DND in Storyline for use as a final quiz. The recipe sequence is supposed to go: (1) Lettuce; (2) Spinach; () Tomato; (4) Cucumber; (5) Pickles; (6) Green Peppers; and (6) Onions.
To create the placed effect; I have two images of each item. One is the drag item, and the other state is set to "placed lettuce, placed pickles, etc." I have triggers set so when the drag item is dragged over all others including the bottom bun the drag item is hidden, and the "invisible" on is set to "placed."
The order in which they place the ingredients is very important. So, I have triggered to add 10 points, each time they drag "x" ingredient over the correct "y" ingredient.
THE PROBLEM: In order to get this to work correctly, I had to add two ingredients For example: To make this interaction work correctly, I had to Add value 10 when user drags Cucumbers over object: Invisible Tomato OR Invisible Lettuce. - This should only be invisible Tomato, but it will not work any other way. Additionally, this causes the Score to be off allowing learners to get points when they shouldn't be. *Also, the interaction doesn't always work right, even if I do correctly place ingredients.
I tried adding True/False variables with the trigger: Set cucumbers to True when user drags Cucumbers over Invisible Tomato, and if all "x" variables are true, show success slide- but that didn't work either.
I think it may be an issue with the way I have me freeform setup, but I'm the sole ID with less than 1 year of Storyline under my belt, and I know many of you are eLearning wizards, so I figured I would reach out to see if anyone can please help me figure this out?
Any and all help would be much appreciated! *File attached.