Forum Discussion

MelanieKing-f58's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

REVIEW versions that were published to REVIEW before it was moved to Shared folder in REVIEW

Hi there,

Can everyone who has access to a Shared folder in REVIEW see (in the dropdown list in RISE) all previous versions that were published to REVIEW before the module was moved into a REVIEW shared folder? The RISE module was not in the folder when the first REVIEW version was created and members who have access to the Shared folder can not see this version but can see two that were created today - again before the module was moved into the shared folder in REVIEW. Does not make sense why two recent REVIEW versions (pre move) are showing and not the original version? Has anyone come across this problem?

  • Hi Melanie!

    Happy to share some insight on this!

    If a Review item with multiple versions is moved to a shared folder, anyone with access to that folder can see the previous versions of that item. Also, there is a difference between a course being shared in Rise 360 and a Review item being shared in Review 360. If a Rise item is in a private folder, but is published to a shared Review folder, anyone with access to that shared Review folder will be able to see the published Review item even if the underlying Rise course is private in Rise.

    Do you mind clarifying who owns the original piece of Rise content you're working with? Seeing a screen recording of the behavior as you're experiencing it on your end would be helpful as well. Feel free to attach it here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

    Thank you! Looking forward to hearing from you!