Review360 Not Linking Comments to Accurate Screenshots
I'm having a consistent problem where when I send a Review360 unit to a client for comments, their comments just show up sort of jumbled and aren't appropriately linked to whatever they were looking at when they made the comment. This is mostly happening with Rise360 but also sometimes happens with Storyline. I have two separate Articulate accounts (one for work and one for a freelance project) and it's happening in both.
This makes it hard to figure out how to apply their feedback. You can see an example in the attached image--the screenshot it linked basically has no information and doesn't accurately represent any space in my Rise course so it's really hard to know where/how to use the feedback.
I'm using Chrome, it is up to date, and I don't have any updates pending for any of my Articulate programs.
How can I get these comments to link to the screenshots they are about?
Thank you!