Forum Discussion
Rise & Google Analytics?
Can Google Analytics be integrated into Rise?
You can add it to your exported course by inserting it in the page's head tags.
- MichaelFimianCommunity Member
Works for me! Thanks David!
- ChetHertzCommunity Member
And the GA tracking will occur on Rise index html served up over a SharePoint deployment?
- LadanLajevardiCommunity Member
Hi David and the Articulate community,
Was wondering if anyone has tried out the method that you suggested above and had any success?
Would adding the Google Analytics code be useful if I am exporting the Rise course as a web output.
If I just want to track completion of the course, do I need to do anything else?
Thank you!
- LisaWhalen1Community Member
Yes, you can use Google Analytics (GA) in a web version of an export as well. GA is actaully for the web, so that would work just fine.
- LionelDieperinkCommunity Member
Possibly the wrong place to ask this.
Just wondering what the benefit would be? Would this simply provide visit/views stats? And how might the data be used.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Lionel,
Any and all questions are welcome - and if staff can't assist (or don't know) the community often chimes in with the answer!
As far what you can gather from Google Analytics, it seems there are a lot of options! It's well outside my area of expertise or support, but a quick glance at the features list has a number of different data points you could look at gathering.
- TarekRifaatCommunity Member
Google Analytics is a very powerful tool used to measure user statistics. You can even take an exam on Google Analytics to get certified. Here are a few things you can do:
· Accounts & Profiles
· Interface Navigation
· Tracking Code
· Interpreting Reports
· Traffic Sources
· Campaign Tracking & AdWords Integration
· AdWords
· Goals
· Funnels
· Filters
· Advanced Segments
· Cookies
· Regular Expressions
· E-Commerce Tracking
· Domains & Subdomains
· Custom Reports
· Motion Charts
· Internal Site Search
· Event Tracking & Virtual Page views
- PpenichetPpenicCommunity Member
Here is a case of my own.
We are testing with clients for 14 days how does our development works. Using html inside the <head> of the RISE course with the Google Analytics Code, give us data from our clients access, connection hours, country, equipment, etc.
We only copy/paste it within the RISE index.html. It works fine for us.
Only tested with the WEB version. Not for sure if it works for the SCORM one.
- PeteGermanCommunity Member
Hi Paul - Does it tell you where they click within the Rise module?
- JaneJordan1Community Member
- MichaelFimianCommunity Member
Hi Jane... Generally scripts like these go near the very top of the HTML file -- in the header and before the Body section. That way the page tells the system what to do before the content ever shows...
- LisaWhalen1Community Member
Can you add Google Analytics event tracking in Rise? In Storyline, I use event tracking for buttons to show us how the user is interacting with the module. Our LMS does not provide this type of information; therefore, I have gotten creative with Google Analytics and Javascript triggers in Storyline.
I have a project that would be great to build and allows for easy reproduction for a series in Rise, but I need to have even tracking to see how our users are working with the content.
- BernovanSoestCommunity Member
What would it take to have each lesson or each block trigger google analytics?
I don't think just having
tracked is that useful.What say you?
Kind regards, Berno
- Will_FindlayCommunity Member
Thanks David! (and Hi again Michael). I have the same question as Berno, is there a way to trigger a tracking event more for than just the course loading?
- BhavikShah-4a62Community Member
I have a same question as Berno and Will. How to get more than just course loading/visit data?
- JessicaFujimoriCommunity Member
I'm also looking for ways (via Google Analytics or otherwise) to get more in-depth tracking data for Articulate Rise courses. Thanks!
- LisaAdams20Community Member
I am new to Articulate Rise. I have created a sample contents in Articulate Rise and here is the URL:
Could you please let me know how to track the users accessing this URL?
Please note that I just want to share this type of URL with users (don't want to export content) for providing them access to contents and want to track the users accessing the URL.
Hi Lisa and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes Community!
The Share link from Rise is designed for light sharing of the content, and if you'd like to track who is accessing your course and how often I'd recommend looking into a Learning Management System (LMS). That'll provide you with the most options and accurate data about whose viewing your course.
If you're not interesting in using an LMS and are looking to rely on Google Analytics, you may want to see what you can add to your existing website and host the Rise content there using the exported No LMS - Web only files (described here).
If you still need help adding Google Analytics to your web site or the Share link, I'm hopeful someone in the community can help - it's well outside my area of expertise!
- SamanthaCollinsCommunity Member
Can you also do this from Rise LMS?