Forum Discussion

BlakeGriffin-65's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rise 360 closed captions not displaying

I have added CC text via a VTT file to a video (mp4) in a Rise 360 microlearning module. When viewed in the Review 360 app, the CC text worked great. After I published to web and had the zipped package placed on a web server, the CC text doesn't display. I have tested it in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, and none of them would work.  

Any advice would be appreciated.

  • I am still having trouble with this course's CC text.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • Hi there, Blake. I'm sorry you didn't get an answer here yet! I tested adding CC to a video block within microlearning, and I am able to see the captions in my web output. You can see an example here.

    If you're still having trouble, we'd love to have a look. You can securely share your output files here from our case form, and someone from my team will troubleshoot with you directly.

  • Hi,

    Was there a solution to this at all? I'm trying to publish a Rise course (not microlearning). The CC works in Rise editor, preview, and Review, but when I publish to Web or to LMS, the CC's on all the videos don't show. It gives me the option to select CC, but clicking on it Doesn't bring them up.


  • My issue was resolved. Apparently, the server that we were hosting the Rise course on didn't work with VTT files. The web team had to add VTT files to the list of acceptable file formats allowed on the server. After that, it worked.

    • GIMLearning's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi there,

      We are also experiencing the same issue on our server. I have been asked to research what it means to "add VTT files to the list of acceptable file formats allowed on the server". Do you have more information about how the people responsible for your server were able to do this? It would be greatly appreciated!