Forum Discussion

BonnieBeuth's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rise 360 Published Content Different than Previewed Content

I have updated my Rise 360 course, and what I see in preview is what I want published. However, when I publish the content I get a prior version; none of the updates I see in preview end up in the published version. I am publishing in a Scorm 1.2 format and opening the content in my LMS.

I do not see any option in the publish, to "publish new version."

Please help.

  • StanDormer's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm glad you raised this issue as we thought we were in Ground Hog Day as it's happened to us a few times. But, what we have started to do is put a version number at the beginning of a learning course or module and check it when it opens. If it's wrong then we wait typically about 30 minutes and republish again, and so far, that's worked.

    It would be wonderful if RISE had a version control system like MS Word and other products as this would be a major help. It would also be great if we could take a local backup of the RISE source to give extra insurance against loss. We tend to clone a course and rename it so that there are at least two versions of the same object.

  • BonnieBeuth's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Stan:

    Thank you for getting back to me. I modified the content on Friday and tried to publish it today, so it's been way more than 30 minutes. 

    After reading your response, I tried duplicating and renaming it. I don't have a clone option so I'm not sure where you get that. Duplicating and renaming didn't help. I can clearly see the changes I made to the content online, but it won't publish those changes.

    I've submitted a ticket to support, but have not heard back yet. This seems like something that really needs to be fixed in Rise.

    Thanks, again.


    • AngeloCruz's avatar

      Hi Bonnie! Thanks for reaching out.

      I see that my colleague Robert has responded to the case you submitted. Have you tried the suggestions he listed yet? If yes and the issue persists, it would be best to reach out to your LMS administrator for some guidance.

      If you have any further questions regarding this, feel free to reply back to Robert's email and he'd be glad to continue working with you on this one.

  • BonnieBeuth's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Angelo:

    Yes, I tried Robert's suggested fixes, and they worked. 

    Thank you,
