Forum Discussion

ChiP's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

RISE Texte labels import not working ?

Hello, I tried to import an xlf translation for the text label in RISE but it is not working.
Even when I try again by exporting and then importing (no modification) an existing personalised text label set, it only show the default English text after import.

Does the xlf translation stop working ?

  • Hello Chi PHAN,

    Happy to help!

    Translated labels will only be visible if you preview or publish your translated Rise 360 course. Can I ask if you've tried previewing or publishing your translated course to see if the process worked? If you have, please open a case with our support team here so we can take a closer look at your Rise 360 course and translation file to see what's happening. 

    • ChiP's avatar
      Community Member
      Jose Tansengco

      Hello Chi PHAN,

      Happy to help!

      Translated labels will only be visible if you preview or publish your translated Rise 360 course. Can I ask if you've tried previewing or publishing your translated course to see if the process worked? If you have, please open a case with our support team here so we can take a closer look at your Rise 360 course and translation file to see what's happening. 

      Hello Jose. Thank you for you answer. I tried previewing and it doesn't work. The text would stay in English. I  will open a case.

      • Hi Chi PHAN!

        Thanks for following up and sharing the feedback!

        Smart move on opening a support case! I see that you're working with my colleague Johnrey. We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.

  • Hi everyone!

    Is there already a solution for this issue?

    I have exactly the same issue as Chi PHAN describes. When I noticed the issue I also tried exporting and importing a labelset and it also switched to the English default text. I first noticed it about one week ago. I tried it again yesterday and it still persists.

    I did some testing with the issue:

    • It happens both in Firefox (version 125.0.1) and Chrome (version 124.0.6367.60).
    • It happend to all six people that I asked if they could try importing my labelset (yesterday).
    • It happens independendly of the course. I tried it in at least 3 different courses, one of them I created newly just for the testing (today).
    • It happens independendly of the labelset. I tried at least 3 different sets, one of them I created newly just for the testing (today).

    I just read Jose Transengco's comment and tried both the PREVIEW button and publishing my course in Review 360 but in both cases it shows English labels.

    • ChiP's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Samira. I sent a message to Articulate support ans here's the answer to my case :

      "If the label was manually translated directly from Rise 360, you can't extract an XLF file that would work in your account.
      Other than manually translating, the only other way a label set can be translated is by importing an external XLF file that's properly formatted (has gone through proper translation)."

      Meaning, if I understand correctly, that you can't simply export an XLF from your label set and import it to another course. That exported XLF file is for translation only. You have to translate the exported XLF file, then reimport. And if you want to share that label set, you have to share the translated XLF file, not the newly exported XLF from your translated label... 

  • Hi Chi PHAN

    Thanks for your fast reply! :)

    That feedback from Articulate surprises me, I don't really understand why an exported XLF-File should be different form an exported and then translated XLF-File. I would assume that the export-function does properly format the labels.

    However, one of the labelsets that I tried to import was actually translated by a translation service. When importing didn't work, they checked the formatting and sent me the labels again, but it still didn't work.

    I think I will also open a case, thank you. :)

    • ChiP's avatar
      Community Member

      Yes, if you could, please keep me up to date if you find some useful information. I didn't try it with a "properly" translated xlf yet, but if even that wouldn't work then we might have a huge problem.

      From my understanding, there's 2 "columns" in an XLF file, the Source text and the Translated text. When you export, it would only fill the Source with your current text, and nothing in the Translated one, which is why it wouldn't work if you export then reimport.

  • I had the same issue as Chi Phan. And did some investigation.

    what eventually helped me, was translating my labels using the online editor:

    But i think its down to formating of the label .xlf files.


    Heres something to try out, if you want to dive deeper into the issue

    1. Go to your project settings > labels
    2. Using the drop down set your labels to "English", with the built in label set
    3. Now click the button "Create new".
    4. In this new label set, lets rename "START COURSE" to "BEGIN COURSE"
    5. Now if you download this label set (click the dropdown, and hover over your button set, you get an icon to download the label set).
    6. If you open this file in notepad and search for "courseStart", you will see the line:

    <trans-unit id="courseStart"><source>BEGIN COURSE</source>

    So it looks like it did in fact chance the text to "BEGIN COURSE", but if you load this label set from this file, it changes back to "START COURSE".

    Now if you edit your file in notepad again and modify the above line to:

    <trans-unit id="courseStart"><source>BEGIN COURSE</source><target>BEGIN COURSE</target>

    what i did was just to add: <target>BEGIN COURSE</target>

    Now save this file and load this file instead.. now it works!

    So i suspect this to be a bug. And hope for it to be fixed.


    Hope this helps anyone stumpling upon this post! :)

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Michael!

      Happy to share some insight on this!

      What you've encountered is the expected behavior for XLIFF files. If a user exports a label set to XLIFF, the XLIFF file will contain several <source id="1">english string</source> entries. Only when the file is translated, do you end up with a corresponding <target id="1">translated string</target> entry. That target entry is essential for the import to work and if it is not present, the import will not succeed.

      The workaround you've shared functions because it creates the target entry that would be added as part of the translation process. Please let me know if you have any more questions!

      • MichaelMadsen's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Steven

        Thanks for the reply. Nice to know what i found was expected behaviour.

        I still find it strange however, if i translate my labels using the built in editor, and i download this label set, and reimport it, that it reverts back to default. ( Because of the missing <target> tags in the .xlf file, i would suspect that the export created these tags, but it dosen't. )

        So i can't translate one probject and export this, to use in another project. But maybe i'm missing something.

        Anyways, i'm happy i found a solution. :)

  • Hi Darryl, 

    Thanks for reaching out! I see that you've opened a support case and you're working with our colleague Ryan.  You're in excellent hands! 

    We'll continue the conversation over in your case. 

    Have a great start to your day! 

  • KarinaGomez's avatar
    Community Member

    My team and I used to import different xlifs in different languages for different courses! We even have a library, and we can't even use those any more. There must be a turnaround for this :/ 

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Karina, 

      Thanks for reaching out!

      As long as your Rise 360 labels were translated following the steps in this article then you should have no trouble sharing and importing them. Can I ask if you are encountering any issues importing translated Rise 360 labels into your account?

  • I am having the same issue. A vendor translated a course. However, for some reason, the translated labels reverted back to English. They exported the .xlf file from Rise and sent it over. Although the exported files work for English and Chinese, it doesn't work for our French Canadian translation. When I attempt to import, the labels simply don't update, even when previewing. Please help. Attached is the .xlf file shared.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Etsa!

      Sorry to hear you're having issues translating Rise course labels into French!

      Thanks for sharing your XLIFF file. After taking a closer look, it appears to have been formatted incorrectly. A properly translated XLIFF file should have both <source> and <target> segments. The source contains the original text, and the target tags, added by the translation tool, contain the translated text.

      I suggest connecting with the vendor you used to translate the content to see if they can get this fixed. Please let me know if you have any more questions!

    • KellyAuner's avatar

      Hi Etsa,

      I'm glad to hear the issue was resolved! Please let us know if you need any help moving forward.