Forum Discussion

NancyHemenway-e's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Screen Reader not recognized "checks" for correct answers on quiz

Screen reader is not recognizing the answers to SL360 Quiz.

The review section shows you the answers selected for each question and the  "green checkmarks" next to the correct responses.  But the checkmark is not being read by the screen reader.  The learner will know what they selected as the answer, but the correct answer (green check) is not. 

Is there a way to fix this - may be in the player? or Elsewhere?


  • TylerBradbury's avatar
    Community Member

    Have you checked the focus order and the accessibility window (to  make sure it is appearing to screen readers)?

    I would first verify that the check marks are appearing to the screen reader and then make sure they are appearing in the order you want them read. 

    • NancyHemenway-e's avatar
      Community Member

      Which slide are you referring to? The focus order is set for the all the
      quiz slides - but when the learner clicks the "review button" the screen
      reader announces what the user selected but not the checks for the correct
      answers. Is that what you mean?

  • TylerBradbury's avatar
    Community Member

    There should be a layer for the review feedback on each quiz questions. You would want to check that the check mark is visible to screen readers (and possibly has alt text indicating the correct answer). Hard to go into more detail without specifics.

  • This has nothing to do with the feedback master or the accessibility (objects). When you program a quiz, you can add a "review button" at the end (with a pre-programmed trigger), so the student clicks on the "review button" and is shown the individual quiz slides marked as "correct" or "incorrect" In those slides (being reviewed) the (seeing) student is also shown a checkmark next to the correct answer. Screen readers do not recognize the check mark.  So, a student using a screen reader may mark something wrong, and in the review process, they will know it was marked as incorrect, but they will not be able to hear the correct answer. That is the issue. The green checkmark is what isn't accessible. This violates WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text content, and it appears (according to one of my colleagues) that this has been a known issue since 2021 (disappointing). 

  • Hi Nancy,

    I'm really sorry about this inconvenience! We have an open issue in Storyline 360 where the Review mode "Check marks" for correct responses are not compliant with WCAG guideline 1.1 and are not readable by a screen reader.

    I'll share your findings with the team and notify you of any changes. Here's a peek into our process:

    I appreciate your patience!

    • NancyHemenway-e's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for the reply - but this isn't really a bug, is it? I would think this to be an engineering /programming issue?

      Thanks again.


  • Any update on this issue? I'm having the same problem and we cannot use the Review function if it is not fully accessible by the screen reader.

    • NancyHemenway-e's avatar
      Community Member

      I would also like to know if this issue has been updated and/or corrected - can someone let us know?

  • Hi Amy and Nancy,

    Thanks for the follow-up! We're still looking for a fix, but since you are subscribed to this discussion, we'll notify you once it is available.

    In the meantime, you can consider using a custom Review layer. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about that workaround.