Forum Discussion

Articulate2-5d2's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Scrollbars still not working in text entry boxes

Hi all.

Are there any plans to make scrollbars work in text entry boxes? This has been an issue for about 6 months now.

I've got 'Add scroll bars' selected in the 'Overflow handling' options, but no scroll bar appears. I've attached an example Storyline file.

I'm using the latest version of Storyline 360.

  • Hi Astutis!

    We have this logged as a software bug where scrollbars don't appear when text entry overflows when using the Modern Player! This hasn't been prioritized for an upcoming release, but I'll let you know when it is slated for an update. 

    • StephanieSav510's avatar
      Community Member

      I have exactly this problem. Will this eventually be fixed? Thanks.