Thanks, I did that yesterday :)
Currently, we are using google drive to store final files (e.g. storyline sources) and have a process built around that. We cannot use that same processes with Rise.
I understand we can add collaborators but the point is that if you have a big team (ours is about 20 developers), adding collaborators to every file is not efficient.
These are typical scenarios:
1. All developers need access to all in progress and final materials in case someone falls ill or is absent. Or simply because another person is tasked with updating the content and not the original creator (and with a big team you can never know who it will be);
2. When you start translating content, the number of files gets even bigger and adding collaborators to specific files gets even harder. E.g. some of our courses are translated into 6 languages and when we update the English content we also need to update translations. We would like to be able to store final Rise files in a central place to which our developers and translation company would have access. This is where they would also add translated Rise files.
Any tips on how to make it more efficient are welcome! Thanks!