Shrink Animation no longer affects both the object and the text it contains?
We have applied the shrink emphasis animation effect to create an effect where a key point is presented in a larger text box that then shrinks to a position/size that matches the other content on the slide.
When we started employing this effect (~January/February) through sometime very recently (the last few weeks) both the text box rectangle and the text inside it shrank together. Objects that were created in that time period still do behave this way.
However now when I apply the same effect (even to the point of copying/pasting one that works as expected) or edit an existing object that has it applied only the rectangle shrinks, the text inside it stays the same size. This is not the desired effect (and looks pretty terrible).
What has changed? Is there a way to continue to have both the rectangle and the text inside shrink at the same time?
Advice appreciated!