Forum Discussion

LavernWiebe's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Slide hanging

I am hoping someone can help. I have a quiz with a results slide. When it tries to move to the results, it hangs. I cannot figure out why. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Attached is part of the quiz/results. 

I have always received good advice from this group before. :)

  • Your Results slide's triggers used weird conditions for showing the Success and Failure layers. They check whether the PassPercent variable (i.e., the percent of correctly answered questions required to pass the quiz) is ≥ or < the ScorePercent variable (i.e., the percent of questions the user answered correctly).

    Unfortunately, even when I edited the triggers to use the standard conditions, the program still couldn't jump to the results. So something corrupted the over slide. 

    I deleted the original results slide and inserted a new one, named "QuizScenario3." Here are the default triggers, with conditions that check whether the Score variable ≥ or < the Pass variable. 

    The edited version (attached) works. However, you should not import its Results slide into your course. Because they require built-in variables, Results slides are finicky. So to fix your course, delete the corrupt Results slide and insert a new one. 

    By the way, only one response to the 2nd question could possibly be correct, since they indicate 3 separate outcomes. In other words, it's a Multiple Choice question, not a Multiple Response question. It should be redone using the Multiple Choice format, since UI standards call for multiple-choice/single-response selections to use radio/round buttons (not checkboxes).

  • LavernWiebe's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Judy. Sorry for the late reply. I just saw that my first thank You got hung up. And then I went on holiday break. You helped a lot; much appreciated.