Forum Discussion
Slide Jumps when mouse loses focus - "Click the Dragon to Wake Her!"
Desired behavior: Slide jumps to next slide when user clicks the image of the dragon, or the user clicks the next/swipes next. When the user hovers over the dragon, the hover state displays (orange dragon) and the dragon returns back to normal state when the mouse moves off the dragon. (Storyline 3)
Problem: Slide jumps to next slide when the user hovers over the dragon and then mouse moves off the dragon (user is not clicking the dragon image).
Things I’ve checked:
- None of the objects on the slide have an end animation
- The slide has a 52 second timeline (length of my audio) and this error can happen at any time before the timeline ends
- The problem still occurs when there is no audio, and all objects are set to “show until the end”
- This problem still occurs even when I add these triggers
- “Change the State of Dragon to Hover When the user hovers the mouse over the dragon”
- “Jump to next slide when the state of the dragon is “selected.”
I have attempted to attach the .story file below, but for some reason it is not always able to be opened by others. Not sure what I'm doing incorrectly.
- MichaelHinzeCommunity Member
There is a trigger attached to the Hover state image of your dragon. I deleted that and now it works as expected, see attached.
- Kasie-MarieP757Community Member
Thank you!! I did not realize that there was a trigger being listed in the trigger panel that was only visible when I was editing the states! The dragon will spare you... this time. Ha!