Forum Discussion
SVG File Issues
I'm having trouble incorporating .svg files to my storyline file. When I add the .svg files (Picture 1), the color and fill is perfect on the screen. When I preview/publish the file, the fill seems to disappear in portions of my .svg file (Picture 2). Any insight would be MOST helpful on this matter. I've included pictures for reference.
- AWSPPOCommunity Member
I have not been able to import SVGs successfully even with the newest SL360 update. I imported one and now all my text is invisible in global preview mode, but not on individual slide previews.
- AndreaKoehntop-Community Member
I apologize for the issues you are experiencing importing SVGs in Storyline.
There have been a lot of valuable workarounds that have helped many people in this thread, specifically Earl's ideas here.
Also, if you haven't done so already, you can check the SVG export settings (from the image editor you used). Since SVG is created in a way that other published files can control, you might want to adjust your export settings to see if better results appear.
If you need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us in a support case!
- AWSPPOCommunity Member
What's happening now is I am making my animated SVGs, when I import that SVG into my SL Project all other text in the project goes invisible. When I remove the SVG from my Storyline Project all the text returns.
It's almost like the SVG text is controlling all my other text styles/settings. Very odd.
- AndreaKoehntop-Community Member
Hi again AWS PPO!
If you are comfortable, it would be helpful if you could share the SVG with us publicly here or privately in a case so we can troubleshoot further. We will delete it from our systems when troubleshooting is complete.
- AWSPPOCommunity Member
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
open the svg in an text editor and remove the lines<style type="text/css">
text {
text-anchor: middle; font-size: 80px; opacity: 0;
</style>"opacity: 0" set all svg-text (in storyline) to invisible
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Really happily surprised that the SVG animation in this sample works. Using SVGator for SVG animation i cannot get that to work in Storyline.As it does work normally in the browser, i really need to study the differences between these 2 SVGs...
The bird sample added is easier...and checking that one its probably the way the animation is coded in the SVG. The text animation has the animation clearly separated in tags. The SVGator one has keyframes and is more integrated. Guess Storyline has issues with that.
- AWSPPOCommunity Member
Thank you!!!
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
here are the corrected SVGs, Storyline doesn't seem to support putting the animation instructions in a separate style tag. The animation description can stay there.
not stoyline compatible:<style>
#eteEOPbDcB539 {
animation: eteEOPbDcB539_tr__tr 1500ms linear infinite normal forwards
@keyframes eteEOPbDcB539_tr__tr {
<g id="eteEOPbDcB539_tr" ... >storyline compatible
@keyframes eteEOPbDcB539_tr__tr {
<g style="animation: eteEOPbDcB539_tr__tr 1500ms linear infinite normal forwards" ... >
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Perfect Jurgen. This opens up so many possibilities with animated SVG. Now figuring out how to trigger it with Javascript in start/stop SVG animations...and do other fabulous stuff.
- MauraSullivan-9Community Member
That looks great! I'm looking forward to see how you trigger it in SL.
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Jurgen ? Can you tell me how you that quickly convert/fix the SVGs. When i open them in Sublime its just a lot of text hard to decipher what needs to be changed to get it working properly.
Added a animated SVG in which a mouseover the SVG element starts the animation... following up on that a next step might be triggering it from Storyline...
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
here are my steps to make SVGs compatible with Storyline (e.g. bird02-01_xxx.svg)Step 1: beautify the svg source
-> with your editor - I use Visual Studio Code with extension 'Prettier - Code formatter'
-> 2: beautify <style>
- copy <style>-tag in a new css-file
- remove '![CDATA[' (-> start of style-tag)
- remove ']]>' (-> end of style-tag)
- beautify the css-file with your editor
- 3: replace in the svg the original <style> with the beautified result
Step 4: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup
Step 5: duplicate the svg (-> reference) - open two editor windows for very easy copying/paste
Step 6: insert in every node with animation style="" (if it is not yet present)
Step 7: copy the appropriate animation instruction from global '<style>' to 'style=""
- e.g. style="animation: eBs67EIoKQu10__m 2000ms linear infinite normal forwards")
style="animation: eBs67EIoKQu10__m 2000ms linear infinite normal forwards; mix-blend-mode:multiply")
- tip: now I temporarily change the ID (e.g. add '#') because of tests of the new integrated animationsStep 8: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup
Step 9: clean <style>
- remove all 'animation:..' from the global <style>e.g.
#eBs67EIoKQu3 {
animation: eBs67EIoKQu3__m 2000ms linear infinite normal forwards;
...- recover (if you use it for other style modifications) or remove the changed IDs
Step 10: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup
and now your new animation start/stop
Step 11: append <g id="bird"> - tag arround the outher tags
<g id="bird">
<g transform="translate(-23.907703-30.268468)">
<path style="animation: ... />
</g>Step 12: change <style> to
#bird path {
animation-play-state: paused !important;
#bird:hover path {
animation-play-state: running !important;
@keyframes eBs67EIoKQu3__m {
Step 13: Test the result in the browser - if it's ok make a backup again
Step 14: update the svg in storyline and publish to web or review 360
➞ Firefox 101, 102: animation stops, in hover animation plays
- Firefox ESR (92): animations stops, but no hover
- Chrome/MS Edge/Chromium + Storyline Preview: animations stops, but no hoverCAUSE:
- Storyline used cloning (<use>) to integrate svg
<svg class="svgImage" ... ">
<use href="#eBs67EIoKQu1-6gD0MCoyp2a" ... "></use>
</svg>- and hover with cloning is a SVG 2.0 feature (SVG 1.1 don't support it)
CSS2 selectors cannot be applied to the (conceptually) cloned DOM tree because its contents are not part of the formal document structure.
so we have to wait until Chrome supports this new SVG 2.0 feature
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Wow thats a nice explanation of your process Jurgen. Great, thanks.
I was doing some tests and research too.
Weirdest thing is the coffee-machine on the right...
Click the coffeecup
Then the red light turns that...
Then click your cup of coffee and it gets filled...
Works as is on Chrome but not on Firefox...Whereas the hover its the other way around ;-)
At least we can use SVG animations in Storyline now... clickable and interactive elements we probably have to wait till all browsers support it.
- MauraSullivan-9Community Member
You guys are great!
Now I have to find time in my workweek to experiment with this. It's going to have to wait a little since I'm already trying to find the time to continue experimenting with Character Animator and creating my own puppet(s) there.