Forum Discussion

  • Thanks for the reply. Thankfully I did have a backup from late last night. Just lost a full day's work :(

    Any idea why this happened? 

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      have a look in the storyline tmp folder


      the last version of this project should still be there - rename the .tmp file to .story - maybe you'll be lucky

  • where do you store your files?

    storyline has major problems, if the file is saved in a folder that is automatically synchronized (e.g. oneDrive)

    the support recommends to save the files on drive c, which is of course very simplified

  • Saved on Drive C. I tried the temp files, but it was not there.

    I always upload a dated file to Google Drive at the end of the day just in case, hence my "backup file." 

    Just so frustrating. I save constantly throughout the day. And then this happens. 

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      backup on google drive is ok, but NEVER save to google drive direct from Storyline

  • Computer crashed again. This time, prior to me the crash, I saved and closed the SL file. Came back and hour or two later and computer crashed. Got it loaded back up. Went to open the attached file and got the the "this project is invalid or corrupt" message. Checked temp folder nothing there. Been working from the C drive the whole project. Any chance you could help? 

  • only the media library is still present in the .story file - all infos about the slides are missing

    you could open %appdata%\Articulate\Storyline in the windows explorer

    maybe you are lucky and there is a .tmp file of this project there - rename it to .story

  • PeterMoore1's avatar
    Community Member

    This is a very hard lesson to have to learn about the poor quality of how Storyline handles its file management.  I don't know why Articulate can't/don't make this aspect of Storyline performance more reliable as it seems it has always been this way.  Just look through the forums for the reports of file corruption.

    My workflow now is to make regular (sometimes 2 or 3 per day) incremental file saves.  I add a number to the end of the file name and save a new .story file every time I complete a new scene or create something complex within a scene.  At the end of the project I might end up with somewhere between 50-100 storyline (.story) files for a project.  I think my record was around 135.  Fortunately disk space is reasonably affordable.