Forum Discussion

JokeTimbermont's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Updates to existing course in many languages, translations via Word import

Hi all, do you have any suggestions for the best approach in this situation?

We have an existing course with several languages within the course, and people choose their language via branching within the course. (best approach given our LMS system)

Every year the content of this course gets reviewed and updates are made. The source language is English and the updates are done in this source language by a native speaker. This review is not done directly in Articulate (reviewer no access), so the file gets exported to Word and the changes are done in that file, so the updated version can be imported again. When corrections are needed to text size, extra text boxes etc., those are taken care of manually after translation. So far so good, to update just the English version, the process is fine.

Now the question is: these changes (language and lay out) need to be implemented in the other languages too. What would be the most efficient, least manual approach?

To take into account: we take care of the translations internally. People who translate have no access to Articulate and do not use special translation software or XLIFF files. They look at the changes in the English text to know what needs to be changed in the local language. At this moment, to do so, we provide a translation export of the original version with the required updates marked with track changes in the translation column.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and knowledge on this topic!

  • LOrealB's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi there, Saw your note, and I've been up working on my portfolio all night, so I thought I'd see if could help. I think I understand why you're using word track changes to document the workflow process, however, wouldn't it be more efficient to just share a "Review" file with the translators, so they could post their translations directly to each scene in the course, since you're not utilizing a translation software? The translations are still tracked, however all of the hardcopy and change tracking is eliminated which might streamline the process for both.

    • JokeTimbermont's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for your input, Loreal. I will have to look into this "review" option, as I'm quite new to Articulate 360. Do I understand correctly using this review file, updates can be made to the course and uploaded in the software? Our reviewers don't have a license and are not used to work with Articulate, they just volunteer to support us with reviewing these translations... If it would work like that, this might be a great solution, I will investigate this further, thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts.

      • LOrealB's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi there, It's my pleasure! I've been working in Articulate 360 since 2014, with experience at a high level now. Articulate 360 comes with a "Preview" option, so that once an ID has completed design and development, he/she is able to click "Preview" and share the .story file with a design team (Articulate users and NO Articulate license required)  so that each SME aka reviewer can post comments, suggestions for updates and edits (or in your case, translations) to each scene in the file, so the ID can copy and paste the text directly into the original story file, and each reviewer can watch this happen in real time. When an ID updates each scene, they are also provided with an option to post "resolved" to each scene to indicate they have completed the update. I'll take a few pics and upload to this scene. I'm also happy to provide pro bono consulting if need be. Give me two mins, and I'll update a few pics that can provide you with a little insight into this work flow. : ) Feel free to contact me anytime, at  or via LinkedIn

  • LOrealB's avatar
    Community Member

    Still working on pics. The Articulate account holder can control the "share" setting in their dashboard settings. 

  • LOrealB's avatar
    Community Member

    I've been sharing my "Review" files with non-registered users for so long (because I inevitably work with internal teams, many leaders of whom are not registered Articulate users (i.e. Legal Departments, IT Department leaders on compliance and other types of courses etc. ), that I've forgotten where to locate the setting. : ) More to come. Hang tight. Tks for your patience. 

  • Hi, 
    We are using the same process as you describe with word exports/imports. I do not have a solution for the layout and such, so I am also interested in hearing ideas. I have one tip that might or might not be of use though:

    We use the AI-voice over, and one tip that I can give is to att the voice over text to the Notes of each slide. These can be included in the Word export so that it is also translated. I still need to generate the voice over manually though. I do not believe that they have any API for automation of the tool.