Forum Discussion
Urgent translation import problem
Hi all,
Our team has been using Storyline and want to import translated Word documents into Storyline, but we are running into several big problems. When we import the text file, we encounter one of several scenarios:
1. All the text boxes import properly. This is the ideal situation. However, this does not happen all the time. More often, we encounter the next two scenarios:
2. Most of the text boxes import properly. We notice that anywhere between 2-20 text boxes do not have the newly imported text. Instead, the text box content seems to be deleted, while the object itself stays on screen, now blank. This is not ideal, but we have figured out ways to just manually copy/paste the missing text into these boxes. However, most recently we've encountered scenario 3:
3. Every single text box has its content deleted after import is finished. All text boxes are empty. Upon clicking on the text box to manually insert text, the entire text box disappears on contact.
This problem is even more confusing to us because one computer will import and see scenario 1, where another computer sees scenario 2 and another scenario 3 for the same set of Storyline and Word files... We are using 6 computers, all on Windows 7 either through the main PC or through Parallels. The only computer which consistently sees scenario 1 is using an older version of Storyline. The other computers are all using the latest updated version of Storyline.
Can you please help us to understand why this is happening, and what we can do about it?
Hi M,
The previous community members in this thread don't have an existing case where we were able to look at their files, but looking at Bingjie and Peter's original conversation it seemed that there was something associated with transferring the files from a computer using one version of Storyline to a computer using another version. If you'd like to share your Storyline file and the translated file with us we'd be happy to take a look.
Also, update 5 of Storyline was release at the end of January and although there wasn't a specific fix for that issue it's always best to work with the most recent update.
- JenniferStGeorgCommunity Member
Hello all,
I had a very similar issue last year when working on a file and had 26 languages to import. What I found was ... and this is going to sound crazy but here goes.
Make sure you have all the language packs installed for Word. What seemed to happen is that Word would run into an error during the import because if the language set in Word was not the one you are importing then it couldn't spell check through to the end and it would time out and stop the language import when the spell-check in Word max'd out.
I know it sounds crazy but after I downloaded all the language packs I was using, set the language in Word to the import language, closed Word and then re-imported into Storyline - no more problems.
The Asian languages never timed out in Word even if the spell check was attempting to spell check in English because the Asian languages re much more abbreviated (in characters) than romance or Germanic languages.
Hope this helps!
p.s. Microsoft doesn't have language packs for every single language so some of them you might have to cross your fingers and get the most and copy and paste in the rest.
Thanks Jennifer for sharing that here and it's a good reminder that you'd need to have the language installed on your computer to correctly import. Glad that your situation was resolved as well!
- CoreyBarrCommunity Member
Hi everyone - I'm having the same problem that has been talked about in this thread. I've tried everything that has been suggested in terms of shortening the file titles, keeping the files on a local drive, installing the language packs, etc. I've tried several different formats of Word as well (1997-2003 and 2010 specifically). The 1997-2003 version "imports successfully" and gives me the congratulations message, but it deletes all of the actual content in the course. Storyline doesn't even recognize the 2010 Word document. I'm happy to submit the file if that would be helpful. Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi Corey,
Are you using Storyline 1 or Storyline 2? If you're using Storyline 2, any version of Word 2007 or later should work as detailed here in the system requirements. Also, are you following along with the directions here in regards to conducting the translation export/import?
If you'd like us to take a look at the behavior, we'd be happy to. We'll want to see the .story file that you're working with and the Word doc that you're using to import in the translated content.
- CoreyBarrCommunity Member
Dear Ashley,
Thank you for your quick reply. We are using Storyline 1. We did follow the directions with regard to conducting the translation export/import. It would be great if you could take a look at the files. I'm attaching the .story and Word document here. I tried to send them via email, but the file size exceeded the limit. Please let me know if you need any further information.
Hi Corey,
Thanks for sharing the files here. I took a look and saw the same behavior in your files, but wasn't able to replicate it with new files in SL1 or SL2. Could you tell us more about if this is happening with every file or just this one set?
- CoreyBarrCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
I just tried importing a translation in another course and it worked fine so it looks like it's just this file. Please let me know if you need any further information.
Thanks for everything!
Hi Corey,
Thanks for that update. It looks like it may be something with that file than - and I already tried importing it into a new Storyline project to see if that would resolve any corruption issues and the behavior persisted. I'm not sure if it's the .story file or the Word doc that is causing the issue - but you may want to try exporting out another translation file and see if making some minor changes to that one allows the import to work as expected - if not, then it's likely the .story file. If that small translation import works - you'll want to redo the translation document (probably copy and paste from the original into the new one).
- MartinDeanCommunity Member
Same problem occurring here... would appreciate any available answers
SL2 - exported to Word
NO changes made to Word doc
Same document imported back into SL2
2 button text items vanished
Re-imported the same document - 9 text items vanished
All text (that vanishes) is visible in the Word docAll file and locality 'rules' obeyed. Seems like a bug in the import process.
Alternative attempt
SL2 - exported to xliff
Changed one word in xliff doc
Saved xliff
Imported xliff (this was instant - no 'load' time at all)
No change was made to the project - original text persisted Hi Martin,
I wasn't able to replicate the behavior on new files after taking a look at Corey's files, and it seemed that it was just that one file for him. Is this occurring for you on all your files? From your description, if you continued to import the Word doc, does more text disappear each time?
Have you looked into conducting the repair of Storyline if this is occurring in all your files? If it's just this one file, I'd suggest trying to import it into a new project to see how it behaves.
We're also happy to take a look at your project. You can share the .story file here or sending along to us here.