Forum Discussion

JulienSPELLER-b's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Very Slow Preview on storyline

Hi everyone, i have a problem actually with the preview mode on storyline 360. I am making a quiz and when i want to preview the project (17000ko). I have to wait 5 minutes to see something ! It doesn't seem to heavy. And i don't understand how can i do !

Thank's a lot for your help, 

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Julien!

    Thank you for reaching out, and a big welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ⭐️

    Curious if the issue happens in any course you are working on or just this particular one?

    • If you cannot re-create the issue in a new course, I'd recommend importing the file into a new one to see if that helps.
    • If it's happening in any/all files, try conducting a simple repair to see if that does the trick.

    If you're still facing that lag in preview after trying these tips, send us your file so we can dig in deeper!