Forum Discussion

MichaelOSull894's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Videos Flickering

Hi All,

Has anyone come across a problem where a video that plays out OK when viewed in a player e.g. Quicktime, has some intermittent flickering when played in Preview or on the Review site. For instance, a 'continue' button (that is part of the video, not created in SL) flickers roughly once every six or seven plays. There are around 30 video clips in the course and this artefact happens on around 5 of them occasionally. Any ideas/thoughts really appreciated. Thanks in Advance Michael 

  • I have found QuickTime files and large video files (over 80mb) do that. Some things you can do to mitigate include:

    downloading a free software called handbrake and converting the large video into web optimized MP4. You can use a video editing tool of your choice instead. Do not let video files overlap on top of each other. Instead shorten enough to include a transition. 

  • Hi Hianna, Thanks for the quick response. The files are already in MP4 format (it was just on a Mac they play on QuickTime player by default). The files are already small as the client's LMS (a custom built platform) does not handle large files well so we already cut them down to around 4Meg each.  But the overlapping idea is very interesting; thanks for suggesting it, and I will give it a try.