I deleted my last two posts because they didn't seem to be hitting the nail on the head, based on the replies that were coming my way.
I asked for a list of LMS's that Rise 360 could hook up to without incident. I just want to sell courses, not ream out cylinder heads.
Now, aside from art work, I would expect that an LMS could and would simply perform as it should...meaning interact with quizzes and tests. That's all I need.
I'm seeing things like, LMS's not reporting all of the time, sometimes reporting incorrectly, etc. This shouldn't be, period.
All motor vehicles are similar in that they perform the same basic function...getting people to their destination. But why don't LMS's perform this way all of the time and why isn't there a list of lousy LMS's and great LMS's...ESPECIALLY from a company (Articulate) that provides a software that is supposed to "talk turkey" with an LMS?
I just want to sell my courses to people, I don't want to spend 10+ years doing homework...I'd need 5 more lifetimes.
So far all replies to my question have been way off the mark or they were matter of fact in that they basically meant "well that's the way it is, too bad"...which never answered my question...at all.
Bottom line is...it WOULD be TREMENDOUSLY beneficial to me and others I'm sure, to be able to peruse a comprehensive list of tried and true LMS's that hook up to Rise 360.
And like I said...come on, true or false, hot spots, drag and drop...minimal variables.
Let me give you a for instance here...
I like TalentLMS except for the nagging and confusing envelope that Articulate needs to reside in if embedded. They have a nagging button message at bottom titled Course completed or Reset Unit and all that good stuff...that is aside from MY stuff. I had a half dozen people start a sample course and they were all confused. They couldn't wrap their head around the idea that that bottom message wasn't a part of what I created.
So yes, it would have been so much better if Articulate had TalentLMS on a list of possible LMS's and some of the pros and cons of them....instead of me investing so much time on it. BTW, the people at TalentLMS wrote that this couldn't be hidden, etc.
Bottom line again is that nothing will come of this because there doesn't seem to be a need from the people who don't see a need, lol.