Keystrokes in Articulate Review

Nov 14, 2018

Hi there.  My team and I have ran across issues when typing comments in Articulate Review.  Specifically, multiple keystrokes on the keyboard are missed and we are unable to copy/paste into a comment.  Any advice or workarounds?

19 Replies
Katie Riggio

Yikes ..I'm sorry you're seeing those issues when typing in Review.

I'd love to help look into both problems! Let's dive right in:

  • What browser(s) are you and your team using?
  • For the missing keystrokes: Does it seem like there's a pattern with which letters are missing?
  • For the inability to copy/paste text issue: Are you able to paste copied text in the comment section if it's blank? We have an open issue where folks reported they're unable to paste comment in Review unless they type something in first. This bug doesn't affect Edge. 
  • Could you create a Peek screen recording of the behavior and share it here so I can see first hand? Feel free to either attach the .mp4 to your reply or share its Review URL link.

Let me know, and we'll work on some next steps! ☺️

Robert Milton

My colleagues and I are also experiencing slowdowns and typos when commenting, and we are very concerned, as review 360 is such a critical part of our process. Please let us know if this is being, or has been addressed.

When adding review comments, not all letters typed end up being captured. There may be some pattern, though it's difficult to determine - I've noticed missing letters e, n, t and space, for instance.

The comment entry functionality seems to work better if I slow my typing down, but that is not an acceptable workaround given the time constraints of our busy reviewers, and the large number of lessons needing review.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Robert!

I appreciate you reaching out about this. So far, we haven't seen this problem on our side, so I'm curious to find out more.

What web browser were you using when you noticed this problem? Do you notice a difference if you use another browser, or even another computer?

Are you able to record a Peek 360 video of the issue so we can see it in action?

Robert Milton

Hi Alyssa,
We've seen the issue across multiple machines, launching the Review link to our default browser, IE version 11x, from Storyline's publishing option. 

We did a quick test and can confirm that we don't currently see the issue in Chrome.

Here's what you'd see in a screen recording of the problem:
If I type the following on my keyboard: "The recording would only show what looks like typos", the screen might show me typing this: "he ecordin would oly showhat looks ike typos."

Thanks again,


Robert Milton

Thanks, Leslie!


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Heather Thomas

Hi - I'm experiencing this issue as well. I'm using Google Chrome (Version 74.0.3729.13). There is no pattern to what keystrokes don't appear or don't delete. Copy and paste does not work at all. Yesterday this happened and I cleared my cache and restarted my computer and it corrected. Today, that work-around did not fix the issue. We need a fix for this as soon as possible.

Here's a Peek recording of the problem.

Leslie McKerchie

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are running into as well, Heather.

That Peek 360 recording is especially helpful since replicating can be difficult.

I've opened a support case on your behalf so that one of our support engineers can take a look and work with you directly.

We have not reached a conclusion in Robert's case above but, since he's seeing a bit different issue and in IE, I wanted you to work with our team as well.

Robert Milton

Hi Leslie,

I wanted to let you and others know what the support team's suggested fixes are. I would say they are more of a nuclear option than a specific fix.  In terms of troubleshooting, it's probably significant that similar issues are reported for both Chrome and IE. 

It's impractical for our team to follow these suggestions, but they may help an individual developer (particularly item 1, below).

  1. Uninstall and Reinstall  (turn off UAC, reboot, uninstall, reinstall latest version)
  2. Work with local files, rather than files on a share drive, as files may be corrupted because of latency issues.
  3. Check publishing settings and try publishing for Flash w/HTML5 fallback or with a different font, as there may be possible compatibility issue for IE and HTML5 fonts.

Items 2 and 3 above should not have any affect on the bug we're experiencing, as the issue is not with the published file, but with the browser wrapper comment fields for Review 360. Let me know if that's not the case.

A reinstall is impractical for our team, unfortunately, as systems are locked down except for authorized admins - we would only involve IT in the event of a major issue where the team is otherwise unable to be productive. If we find that reviews using Chrome are affected, we'll need to try that. 

Feel free to reach out with any questions - hopefully the engineering team will be able to come up with more specific suggestions.




Leslie McKerchie

I appreciate your feedback, Robert. While a reinstall is necessary for some issues, it does not seem to be the best solution in this instance.

I can see that Renz has reached back out to continue working with you and better understand the issue so that we can work towards replication and getting this reported if needed.

Thanks for also confirming that Heather's issue is similar. I shared links to each of your cases for the support engineers so that we are all aware of the similar reports. I'll follow along with both yours and Heather's case as well.

Amanda Olson

Hi everyone!  I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that has come across this issue since I originally posted it in December.  I wanted to provide a quick update on the keystroke issue as I am not experiencing it anymore with IE (the primary browser we use)  However, copy/paste still does not work at all in IE or Chrome, and this is the main complaint I receive from our stakeholders that use the tool.

Thanks for capturing this in a video Heather!

Leslie McKerchie


Thanks for contacting us to let us know that you have a user experiencing a similar issue. 

The confirmed report that came out of this conversation was specific to copy/paste. Is that what your user is experiencing as well or is it an issue with the keystrokes?

Peek 360 recording of the issue would be very helpful and if you cannot share the content with us here in the forums, you can share here privately.

Marlene Koch

I`m glad I found a thread that adresses this issue. Internally we had this keystroke problem once last year in Edge. It was resolved by switching to another browser.

Now my SME reported the same issue: letters don`t come out or switch possitions when she types a comment. She tried different browser - all the same.

Unfortunately I don`t have more details or a peek view as she is not my colleague but an external client. But I wanted to share nontheless that this issue unfortunately exists for others as well.

What I was wondering: I read before that certain fonts can cause trouble in the presentation itselfs. May fonts also be able to influence the commenting function? Because in this module I used a specific font (Kunstler Script) a usually don´t use...

Lauren Connelly

Hi Marlene!

Sorry, this is affecting you as well! We haven't received any Peek videos of this snag, making it difficult to find a fix. I haven't heard of a specific font style affect the commenting capabilities in Review 360.

We are happy to troubleshoot this issue with you. I encourage you to use this link to connect with our Support Engineers for 1:1 support.

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