Last Question in Assessment Does Not Advance to Results Slide

Jul 05, 2022

I created a Storyline 360 assessment and used a pre-defined results slide.  When first previewing within SL360 and reviewing through Review 360, I could answer all questions and advance to the result slide to see my score.  Now, the assessment stops at the last question and shows processing.  It never advances. Everything looks correct with the triggers and buttons, so not sure why it is not working as expected.


I've attached the .story file here as well.

Here is the link for your review:

1 Reply
Jose Tansengco

Hi Sam, 

Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag! 

I tested your project file and found that the reason why your course was freezing was because of the variable declarations in the results slide of your course. 

It looks like the slide may have encountered some form of data corruption. You can check out this article which explains the best practices to minimize the risk of corruption happening on your project file. I've attached a fixed copy of your project file with the results slide replaced with a new one and the project can now be viewed from start to finish without any issues.