Listing all courses shared with me

Aug 10, 2021

Hi everyone,

I'm quite new to Review and I'm wondering if there's any way to view the list of modules that have been shared with me and that I've commented in without going back to dig for a link from the person itself.

My team is currently working on multiple modules at the same time, and it's getting a little messy trying to track which link is for which module. It doesn't help that the URL doesn't show the title either, of which I understand why. (Teams isn't making it easier either - their page preview basically says "Gather and share stakeholder feedback on E-Learning Course..." rather than the module title itself.)

Would love to know if there's any way to do this the easy way round than keep a document with the links.


5 Replies
Kelly Auner

Hi Michael,

Thanks for checking in!

Currently, I don't have an update on this feature request which would allow you to view a list of Review links that have been shared with you. That being said, this is still on our radar! I have linked you to the feature request, and we will be sure to update you with our progress.

You can stay up to date with what's in development by checking out our feature roadmap!