Quiz resutls.

Apr 03, 2017

I have a customer that I just built a course for. They are not putting this up in the LMS they are keeping it local into their sever for their team. They are wanting it to track back to the supervisor with the test results emailed to them. Could you possibly tell me how I can make this happen. I am working with Studio 13 quiz maker and Presenter.

1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hi Danny!  Welcome to E-Learning Heroes.  Since your customer won't be using an LMS, perhaps a workaround for them would be to include an option to print the results and have their team save and email the resulting document to their supervisor.  The Print Results trigger will be supported in any Flash Player enabled browser.

Quizmaker '13 doesn't include a direct way to email the results of the quiz because the function can be so easily limited by computer and mail client security settings.  The best way to track content is through an LMS, but hopefully this idea will be a helpful alternative!

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