Review 360 Photos are blank in feedback

Feb 04, 2020

Good afternoon,

I'm having an issue with review feedback - I have several courses being reviews at the moment, all of them include engage interactions, so far the comments in the feedback have corresponded with the step that they're on in the interaction, however, in one course it comes up blank and I am unable to see which step the comment corresponds with. Any suggestions?

4 Replies
Vincent Scoma

Hi Elizabeth,

That does seem odd! I haven't seen any issues with Review 360 and phots being blank in the comment sections. A few questions for you here: 

  • Which web browser are you using? Does this happen in other web browsers?
  • Do the same results happen when using an incognito window? 
  • If you haven't already, may I ask if you could clear your cache and cookies to see if that helps? 

If you can share your Review 360 link, we're always more than happy to help! You can share the link to this thread here, or you're always welcome to share it privately here. We'll let you know our findings after having a closer look!

Matt Pfleger

Good afternoon Vincent,

Thank you for your reply - to answer your questions:

  • I've tried in Chrome, IE, Firefox & Safari
  • It happens when using an incognito window
  • I've cleared the cache on all browsers

It's very strange because it's only happening with this one course and I cannot figure it out. I will privately share the link - thank you so much!

Ren Gomez

Hi Yoann,

In Elizabeth's case, it was due to a bug we discovered where the missing capture occurred as a result of an Engage interaction in the course.

Are you coming across the same issue? If not, I recommend connecting with a support engineer and having them take a look at your course link to see if we can replicate or provide a solution!

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