Youtube video in Web Object won't work in Review 360

Feb 24, 2020

Hi Heroes, hoping someone can help me. I've used a web object to link to a Youtube video. In SL 360, when editing the web object, the "test link" is fine. It works as expected when publishing for LMS or Web, but when published to Review 360, I get nothing --> no error message, nothing on the screen.

I've created a single screen version of the module, and included a couple of screen shots, plus a single screen .story file.




3 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Greg,

It looks like your screenshots and .story file didn't make it to the post. Can you try to include the files again so we can take a closer look?

In the meantime, here's one tip: If your web object link isn't displaying correctly, try matching the web object URL to the hosting site. Review 360 uses https to host content, and it may be that your web object URL doesn't match that. 

Let me know how it goes!

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