Adding a Course Manager

Jun 12, 2023

I am trying to share editing with other colleagues.  The collaborator feature does not give enough editing permissions.  I want this person to be able to edit themes, color settings, and main imagery. 

I've read that what I think I need this person to do is become a content manager.  I don't want to have to transfer ownership every time.   I can't figure out how to do the content manager. 

So, #1- is content manager the role I need? and #2 If so, how do I do that? #3 If not, what is the correct collaborating role. 

8 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Michelle,

Add the person as a Course Collaborator.

Once you have done that, use the drop-down list to the right of their name, and change their role from Course Collaborator to Course Manager.

Collaborator roles and permissions for a Rise course:

  • The Course Owner can do everything.
  • A Course Manager can do everything except edit labels, transfer ownership, and delete the course. When a course manager publishes a course to Review 360, it's published to the course owner's account rather than the course manager's account. 
  • A Course Collaborator can edit the course but doesn’t have access to Settings, Share, Review, or Export.


Hazel Bartolome

Hi there, Aaron!

While changing the default permissions to Course Manager, instead of Course Collaborator isn't available in Rise, here's a step-by-step guide that you can send to your content owners when you ask them to add you as a Course Manager:

1. To add a collaborator to your course, go to the Create tab, select the course from the list, and click on Collaborate.



2. Click on Collaborate>Manage Collaborators


3. Type in the name of the collaborator and select them from the list


4. Click Invite


5. Change the role to  Course Manager:

Note: Course Managers can edit and publish courses, but Course Collaborators can just edit courses

Hope this helps you!


Aaron Marks

Thank you so much for the reply! We've been able to have each content author add me as a course manager through sharing the course, however we were hoping that there was some sort of administrative setting that can give me course manager access to any content that's created. We've recently had some folks laid off that have content we need to retrieve and unsure of how to proceed. So far we've submitted a request for me to gain access to the one course that is needed next, however as more courses are built it would be very helpful if I could just have some sort of permissions/access set to be able to access all created content on our team/license.

My Best,


Jose Tansengco

Hi Julie, 

There isn't a way to modify the permissions in bulk for Rise 360 courses, but we are currently tracking a feature request to give account owners the ability to assign permissions in bulk. I've added your voice to the request, and we'll let everyone subscribed to this thread know once it makes it to our product roadmap!