Articulate AI Pricing/Packages

Feb 19, 2024


I recently attended your "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning" webinar. Loved the demo - thanks! Do you have details on pricing and packages? It sounds like there will be some AI usage available for free and more available with a paid option. Wondering if you can share more on what that looks like. Just trying to figure out if/how much we may want to budget for this. 



10 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Jackie!

The last time I saw a post about this, the features and pricing were still being worked out. 

When they've got something to tell, I'm guessing that Articulate will announce it in an email everyone with an active license. Or, at the very least, they'll pin an announcement to the top of the Forum.

Adam Kenworthy

I feel this is becoming poor from Articulate. There seems to be little information about releases, just ball parks.

And as with the cost, surely if the release is due imminently (apparently) then there should be a pricing structure.

As other people have said we need to budget for licences, and review if other products would be more cost effective.