If you’re like many Articulate 360 users, you’ve been itching to learn more about Articulate AI since we announced we were working on it a few months ago. And although many of your questions might have been answered in this Articulate AI overview article, there might be others that come up. Like, what AI technology is Articulate AI built on? And is Articulate AI coming to Storyline 360 too? Find the answers to these questions and more in this FAQs article.


  • Do I have to use Articulate AI when I use Articulate 360? No. Using Articulate AI is 100% optional. You’ll still be able to create content from scratch or from one of our many templates. If you don’t want anyone on your team to use Articulate AI, your admins can also turn this feature off in the account management dashboard. Learn how here in this helpful article.
  • Is Articulate AI going to replace me? We designed Articulate AI to accelerate your creativity and productivity. Instead of starting from scratch, Articulate AI helps minimize the volume of manual work you have to do so you can focus on higher-level strategic and creative tasks.
  • Is Articulate taking steps to ensure its AI doesn’t generate offensive or objectionable content? We have a whole team and process dedicated to AI quality and will be vetting the outputs of our AI features with our customers during the closed beta period. 


  • Is AI coming to Storyline 360 too? Yes.
  • Does Articulate AI generate content in languages other than English? Not at this time, but future features may generate content in the same language as your source material. If you're looking for multilingual content generation, please let us know in the comments below!
  • Will Articulate AI–generated content be editable? Yes, you can edit content generated by Articulate AI just like you would any other content.
  • Will I be able to export videos I create with Articulate AI? Yes, but once you export an Articulate AI video, you’ll no longer be able to modify it.
  • Can Articulate AI generate subtitles for videos? Yes.
  • Are there other AI features planned beyond AI Video and AI Assistant? We have plans to add even more AI features, which is why we want to hear from you! What AI features do you think would be most useful? Leave a comment below to let us know.

Data Usage and Privacy

  • What AI technology is Articulate AI built on? We developed Articulate AI using OpenAI and Eleven Labs to get you these features as quickly as possible. We may use other technology and AI sub processors as we develop more features. A list of all AI sub processors that we will use for Articulate AI will be published soon. Stay tuned. 
  • Does Articulate AI learn from my data uploads? No. We won’t use any of your data to train our AI models. For more information, please see our Terms of Service
  • When I use Articulate AI, is my data stored long-term? We keep your customer data as long as your subscription is active to provide the services under your agreement. When it comes to any AI subprocessors, we have a zero data retention policy. That means we require all of our AI subprocessors to delete customer data immediately after generating output. For more information, see AI Security and Privacy at Articulate
  • If I don’t use Articulate AI, can the AI subprocessor still access my Articulate 360 data? No. We only send data you specifically volunteer to be analyzed by AI subprocessors used by Articulate AI.
  • Can I toggle off Articulate AI on my account? Yes! We recognize that AI is still new territory and some organizations might want the option to turn our AI features on or off as needed. Learn how to do that in this article.
  • Can I turn the AI features on for some users and not others? We’re exploring this option. Stay tuned!
  • My IT/legal department has additional questions about data usage and privacy. Who can I connect them with for more information? Just leave a comment below and we’ll connect you with the right person.


  • Will the AI features be included in the price of Articulate 360? No, they’ll be premium add-ons. 
  • How much will the AI Assistant and AI Video add-ons cost? We’re still finalizing the pricing structure. Stay tuned!

Legal Considerations

  • Who owns the content created by Articulate AI? Articulate disclaims any ownership over customer inputs and outputs in their use of the AI products and services.


Hopefully you found the answers to all your burning questions about Articulate AI in this article. But if you didn’t, please feel free to leave a comment below! 

And if you’re curious about what other features are currently in the works, be sure to bookmark the Articulate 360 Feature Roadmap and check back regularly.

Before you go, remember to subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest product updates, e-learning examples, and expert advice directly in your inbox.

Brantley Eaton
Joao Castro Silva Junior
Claude Fillion

Bonjour, Voici nos besoins principaux qui impliquent l'IA : - Générer du contenu texte selon des documents en Rise et Storyline en anglais et français. - Générer automatiquement, par exemple, des jeux exigeants plus de programmation. - Ajouter des voix françaises et anglaises et améliorer leurs qualités. - Traduction instantanée du cours selon les préférences de l'apprenants. (français anglais) Merci ____________________________ Hello, Here are our main needs involving AI: - Generate text content based on Rise and Storyline documents in English and French. - Automatically generate, for example, games requiring more programming. - Add French and English voices and improve their quality. - Instant course translation according to learner preferences. (french engli... Expand

Brantley Eaton

As a longstanding customer and subscriber, I appreciate the innovative efforts you are putting into developing new features such as the AI functionality. However, given that it is now mid-May and we were originally informed that a beta release would be available by spring, the lack of concrete updates is becoming increasingly concerning. Timely information on the release schedule is crucial for our planning and budgeting processes for 2025, especially considering this AI feature is expected to be a premium add-on. Without a clear timeline, it becomes challenging to allocate resources and make informed decisions. Could you please provide a more specific update or a revised timeline for the release of this AI feature? This will greatly assist us in our planning and ensure we can contin... Expand

Andreas Metzmann
Wendy Rijkhoff-Jonker
Algebra University  eLearning production
Derek McRobbie
Jonas Hultman
- Qualifi  -
Andreas Metzmann
Andreas Metzmann