Black bars on sides of video

Sep 22, 2018

Rise seems to be putting small black bars on both sides of a video when you add it as a multimedia item:

It looks a bit sloppy, in my opinion. The video is 16:9. Any ideas as to how to fix this?

10 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi, Jordan. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

I'm having trouble recreating the issue, so I'll need your help. Mind sharing the video file along with your course's output link with us? We'll take a look into what might be causing those black lines and share our findings with you. Need to share those details privately? You got it's where! ☺️

Désirée  Jochem

Hi Allison, 

I'm facing the same problem as Jordan - but depending on what I do, the bars slightly change.
I made a video using Storyline's step by step recording and exported it as a video, then inserted into Rise.
In Rise's editing mode, I get a a black bar in the left. If I export my couse to web, the bar switches to the right side. If I publish it in our LMS, I get bars on both sides.

Like Jordan said, it's still working, but it looks sloppy...

I'm in Chrome, zoom 100%.

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