Forum Discussion

SteveLarson-73a's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Brand color vs Accent color in new Theme settings

I've created a new blank course and set the "accent"color in the new theme interface, and this sets correctly for the default theme items in Rise. But when I try to change the color of a lesson block, let's say the background of a paragraph block, the "brand" color is still set to the original Tangerine color. I can find no way to change the brand color, am I missing something in the new Theme settings?

  • Hi there, Steve! Great news - we fixed the brand color in your block settings to match the theme color you select. 

    Enjoy the new theme features!

  • Thanks it was a small but bothersome issue. Now get to work on a custom color palette, text styles, or maybe even CSS editing if you want to be really nice! :)

  • Hi! The markers are not changing to the new accent color. Am I missing something?

    Nevermind, now they have changed, but it took changing the background pic for it to work?

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Troy,

      The markers for a Labeled Graphic block are set for each Labeled Graphic block

      Marker color is changed by:

      • Access your Labeled Graphic block.
      • Choose Settings
      • Choose Marker Color.
      • Choose the required color.