Cannot progress past quiz

Oct 11, 2018

We have had an issue where users have been unable to progress the module Quiz. Participants have successfully passed the quiz, but are receiving the error message "Lessons must be completed in order", and cannot progress any further. 

This issue has occurred in an LMS (SCORM file), Articulate Review, and previewing the module in Rise. The LMS user has still been marked as having "completed" the module, but was unable to view the last page.

5 Replies
Katie Riggio

Thanks for becoming part of the community, Jack. We're happy you're here, and you came to the right place for help! 👋 

Smart call to also open a support case for this issue–I see my teammate, Lea, shared instructions on how to send for a copy of the course to her for testing. She's standing by!

While we await that key piece, could you let me know the course's Navigation Mode setting? I have a hunch setting it to Free (if it isn't already) might help. 

My theory is that folks might be clicking on the buttons on the lessons, which makes it jump to other lessons. This causes some of the content to be skipped (and not viewed).

Jana Menge

I have run into the same issue. I am currently doing Thinking Aloud testings and depending on the browser that is used, sooner or later the user is informed "Lessons must be completed in order" - even thought they successfully finished the quiz. Mostly for the first quizzes it is not a problem but between the 3rd and the 5th quiz of the course that problem showes up. I attached the settings of my course.

Any idea what else might trigger this issue?