Chrome Extensions causing login Auth-callback loop

Jan 16, 2020

I am troubleshooting a Chrome extension issue with Articulate 360. I recently started having trouble accessing, where the site would loop from to to a very long URL and then back to This loop did not allow for the Rise page to load and display courses. The same occurs at

I have found that a popular extension called Ghostery prevents the site from loading; even while white-listed. It appears  to stall on a tracker called "Marketo". In order to load any Articulate 360 sites, I must fully disable the extension. This is problematic as we require this extension to anonymize tracking data. 

15 Replies
Brandon Lienau

Hi there folks, currently experiencing this issue as well! I primarily use Firefox, but have experienced it in Chrome, MS Edge, and Brave - have also tried with no add-ons / extensions running but am constantly being thrown into the call back loop. Have tried clearing browser data with no success, any help would be appreciated :)

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Brandon,

Sorry you're having trouble logging into Rise 360. 

First, check the clock in the lower-right corner of your Windows desktop. If the time is off even by a few minutes, you may encounter issues logging in. If you find you need to adjust the clock, click Date and Time Settings, and toggle the Set time automatically setting to OFF and then back ON.

Let me know if that helps you, or if we need to keep digging!

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