Completion by Lessons Viewed, not Percentage

Dec 08, 2023

As the title says, is there a way that Rise 360 courses could be marked complete by lessons viewed instead of % complete?

For example, if I have 4 lessons in a course, the last lesson being a list of references used in the course. I could set the completion % to 75% so that users would not need to complete the last lesson (References). But the caveat is if the navigation is not restricted, a user could essentially jump from lesson 1 to 4, then back to 3, skipping lesson 2, and be marked complete. Did I lose anyone yet? :) So, it would be awesome in the settings to be able to mark the course complete if a user completes lessons 1, 2, and 3, instead of a percentage.

My guess is that Rise does not have this capability (yet) and this would be a feature request, but I believe this is a legitimate use case scenario where this feature would be greatly useful. Any feedback or responses are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Lee,

You are correct, Rise does not have this capability yet.

We have exactly the same requirement, as some of our Rise Lessons contain Glossaries and other supporting information that is not required to be completed to pass the course.

What would be ideal is the ability to indicate which Lessons are required to pass a course, and which ones are optional.