Continue Button after Rise course quiz

Apr 24, 2024

Was having trouble getting the "Continue" button to appear after completing the quiz in a course I'm developing. Since I use this option for almost every course I create in Rise and I was choosing to turn off prev/next buttons, I started to dig in deeper in case I had missed something. I noticed that on every course I've created, the Settings option for this in the quiz has been reset to Standard Next Lesson and after turning the Continue button setting back on, it still isn't appearing after the quiz in any of my courses after passing the quiz. Anyone else experiencing this? 

1 Reply
Elizabeth Kuhlmann

Any chance that while you are developing, you are previewing just the quiz and not the entire course? I went back into some old courses I had from a year or so ago and the continue button was still there and had not reset to standard next lesson. Although, the continue button was not always an option, so is it possible you have older courses from before that was not an option? 

The continue button also doesn't appear if you haven't added a lesson in the menu after the quiz.

First I'd double check that you're previewing from the main course menu page and then if it still isn't working, contact Articulate Support