Customize ordered lists?

Jul 21, 2021


I need to have my ordered lists (in an accordion, currently) match a standard format used in corporate documents, say:


There is a built-in numbered list function, but its markers don't match the ones my company uses for this type of document. I'd fake it, but you also can't do hanging indents (or indents at all) in accordions.

Where are these markers defined? Can I just edit the CSS of the published course to replace the markers?


3 Replies
Carl Fink

This is some weird spacing. I'm trying to have one (indented) bullet in the middle of a numbered list. I un-number the line, then turn on bullets and get this.lists donIt should look more like this.

This hierarchy


Note that you can't change the indent of that bulleted line (unlike the numbered list).

Carl Fink

Research, research ... there is a whole section in the boilerplate file main.bundle.css with lots of styles for various values of list-style-type. Presumably I could override that (with inline code in index.html?) to change the way hierarchical outlines work?

Has anyone got any experience with this? I have never played with CSS for any Articulate product.

Renz Sevilla

Hi Carl! Thanks for testing this on your end! We don't fully support customization of published files, someone from the community may chime in to assist you with that!

That being said, it looks like you've been having some trouble with formatting in Rise 360. Could you please open a case with us so we can assist? Please let us know the browser you're using and if you're typing in the content or pasting this from another application. Thanks!