Delay "Next" button on Rise 360 quiz

Dec 29, 2021

Hi everyone, newbie here.

We need for our  clients to carefully read the response of our questions before proceeding to the next one and I was wondering if there was any way to ensure that they won't be able to click on "Next" straight away? I'm using Rise 360 and can't seem to find the delay option in the settings anywhere.


Thank you!



1 Reply
Lea Agato

Hello Luca!

Here's what you can try:

  1. Go to All blocks > List > Checkbox list. You'll only need one check box.
  2. Add a continue button with completion type = Complete block directly above or Complete all blocks above.

This way, your user needs to click on the check box to indicate they have read the response before they can continue with the rest of the lesson. I hope this helps! Let me know if this isn't what you need or if you have other questions!