Disable Email Notifications for Published Course

Mar 27, 2018

How can I stop getting emails that say "'Example ABC' successfully published to Articulate Review" every time I publish? I'm already unsubscribed from all communication from Articulate

58 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi Victor.  You're right - Rise will send an email when you successfully upload your course to Articulate Review, as well as when you export a course for LMS or web.  Some folks find it helpful when they need to export a larger course that might take a few minutes to process.

I'll let our team know that you'd like an option to disable those emails!  In the meantime, would creating an email filter help reduce your inbox volume?

Mark Banit

+1 for an option to turning off these email notifications.  Would also like to see an additional notification option in Review  that allows for 'no notifications' in addition to Instantly, Hourly and Daily... I always ask Reviews to notify me when they have completed their review (as their review may span over a view days as they get time, and they may edit some of their responses) and I don't want to go in and look until I know they have finished and comments are final -- so I'd rather have the option not to receive email notifications about comments.

Submitted feature requests for both of these and recommend others do the same if they agree.

Tim Lewis

Great - so what's the status?  I'm guessing this has gone to your Customer Support Team, but it's not deemed of value or improve the experience for those of us who pay money to use your software?

I currently have emails from Rise blocked and sent direct to my spam folder ... obviously not ideal if there's emails with information that's not related to course download.

Allison LaMotte

Hi Tim,

As Crystal mentioned, this feature isn't currently on the roadmap, but we're still keeping track of requests for it. 

We receive hundreds of feature requests every week, so prioritizing them is no small task and we take it very seriously. Here's an inside look at how that process works

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Tim Lewis

Thanks Allison.  Your link looks a lot like the one your colleague included 3 days ago. 

My question was, has your 'customer support team' deemed that reducing spam in user inboxes won't meaningfully improve using Rise, or that it won't benefit the majority of users?

It's not unusual for my team to create between 50 - 100 courses a week.  That's a lot of spam.  I'm sure I'm not alone.  

I understand completely if this isn't a priority.  Can you however please pass on the consequences to your support team, as I've blocked all emails from Rise/Articulate as a solution.


Allison LaMotte

Hi Tim,

We totally understand that receiving large quantities of email can be frustrating. However, as explained above, we receive hundreds of feature requests every week and have to prioritize them since it's not possible to develop all of them at once.

Just because this feature isn't currently on the roadmap doesn't mean we've decided it isn't useful or won't benefit our users, it just means that there are other features that we've identified as more critical at this time. 

That being said, we're still monitoring this request and will revisit whether or not to add it to the roadmap in the future. Rest assured that I've passed on your feedback to our team and will get back to you with any updates.

Thanks for your understanding and patience! :)

Harry Carter

Umm, perhaps putting things into perspective may help.

Collectively, it's a "crap ton" of emails causing a stir with some. It affects business email programs, time, trouble etc.

This is not merely a "feature" request but more of a FIX.

To put it another way...wishing for and wanting a feature is vastly different from asking for something that causes problems, to be removed. :)


Harry Carter

Karl Muller

Until such time that Articulate resolves this, if you using Outlook as your email client, it is easy to create a rule to automatically handle these emails.

A rule allows you to perform actions based on the sender, the subject line, etc. You can mark the messages as read, move the message to another folder, delete the message, etc.