11 Replies
Dominik Ginthier

Hi Frederique,

You can try using the following workaround. It requires modifying the published files, but the whole process just takes about 5 minutes. It is not a perfect solution, but it works quite good. We are translating our content in Arabic and Hebrew.


1) Export course from Rise (TinCan format)

2) Unzip the downloaded file

3) Locate the "index.html" file and open it for editing (Notepad++ is the program we use)

3.1) Change the <HTML> tag:

 from    :  <html lang="en" class="">

 to      :  <html lang="ar" class="" dir="rtl">   <== Arabic

 or to   :  <html lang="he" class="" dir="rtl">   <== Hebrew

3.2) Save and close the "index.html" file


4) Locate one or more css files in "lib/rise" folder and open it for editing (usually there are two)

4.1) Copy all its content

4.2) Put it INPUT pane on https://rtlcss.com/playground/#

4.3) Copy the content of the OUTPUT pane

4.4) Replace content of the original css file

4.5) Save and close

Please let me know, if you have any questions.


Frederique Purnot

Hi Dominik,

Thanks, I tried it with SCORM and it seems to work. I'm waiting for my colleagues in Israel to confirm that they can read it. I've managed to solve the error 'cannot be compressed because it includes characters that cannot be used in a compressed folder'. I did that by installing Hebrew as a language package and by changing the system locale to 'Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support'. 

Thanks again for your help!